Well I am very very pleased with all I got done in May. I pretty much nailed my goal list and then did a bunch of stuff that was not on the list. So here's what I've been up to
1. Mystery Monday - A once a month class at my local quilt shop Fabrics Unlimited. This month we did these handy sewing mats to go under your sewing machine and hold all your goodies.

2. Stitch N Rippits Charity Quilts - I wanted to quilt one and at least sandwich the other one which was a baby quilt. Complete!
Here's the 1st one:
On this one you can't see the quilting from the top so I've taken a picture of the back. I am using these charity quilts as practice for my free motion quilting. We're always our worst critics so I'll say it like this "I can see a lot of progress from when I started. "
Here is the next, it is a baby quilt and I wanted to at least get it sandwiched. Well I did that and quilted and all that is left is the binding. Yay!
3. Vintage Kitchen #5 - Complete
Then after I finished it I saw where a friend of mine that is also doing this BOM by Jenny of Elefantz substituted this block with a different one. So I will probably use this block as a label and then copy her and do the other block like she did.
4. SNR Guild workshop - Mondo bag - my goal was to at least start it. - Complete! I actually ended up finishing it. So I'll say that's a extra point or two. (Hey finish seem to be getting hard these days)
5. Two more of the little dresses for girls in Africa - this was a charity project for the SNR Guild. - Complete!
I also had some pretty fabric (in the second picture below) that I thought would be really cute for my twin great Nieces. I don't get to see them really often but we will be seeing them at the beginning of July and they will be 3 at the end of July so I thought that would be perfect. And at the suggestion of my husband I made them matching little purses. I originally was going to make matching ones but the first one I made was way too long so instead of ripping it apart I figure I'll donate the big one and just made a new one. Hard to see but I put little pockets on them too. And the purses have Zippers. I'll say that's worth an extra bonus point in itself. :)
Okay enough bragging - back to my list.
6. Ten Minute table runner. - Complete! (do you notice a streak here of the completes) I have to say I'm kinda addicted to these. They are fast - easy - and It's fun to figure out what kind of buttons you are going to decorate them with. I made 3 total but have button to make 3 or 4 more. :) Here they are!
7. UFO Buster - Progress - Done! Yay - 7 for 7. This sponsored by APQ, each month they draw a number and you find that number on the list and that's the UFO you work on for the month to finish or at least make progress on your UFO's.
You can read my progress post and see pictures about this here:
8. Woodsy Quilt Bears +1. Kinda Complete.
Here's Bear Progress the link to the post I made about this. The bears are done - but I did not get to the squirrel block. So 1/2 done 1/2 undone.
9. Dragon Flies and Cattails - Complete! :)
I love it - I love it - I love it! And I am going to use the technique to do another wall hanging. More about that later.
10. Art Quilt Sewcial - We didn't have a project - we were going to do some drawing using a grid system. But I was ill and didn't make it to class. So since there wasn't a project to complete and since I wasn't there. I say this is neither a pass or a fail. :) Nice to make your own rules huh?
As far as the extras that I had listed - No progress on any of them.
May Recap - All goals met except the squirrel block for the woodsy quilt. Extras, were 10 minute runners, extra pillowcase dresses, extra sewing mats, Top Stitching on the previous months self portrait. And Started a baby quilt for a friend of my husbands. I put borders on a panel and pinned it and started a little of the quilting. This one is going to be so much fun to quilt.
So I am giving myself an Almost Perfect Score for the month.
June Goals
Well this may be a little tricky since we are leaving the last week of the month for vacation and I am honest enough to know that before vacation things go sideways. You think of things you want to make at the last minute as gifts and then there's pre-vacation shopping and cleaning. So with all of that said I'm trying to not go overboard on my goals - ha ha. Here goes -
1. Blog more about my progress. Don't wait 20 days to blog it.
2. Mystery Monday Complete whatever it is.
3. Finish the above Baby Quilt for husbands Friend. Pictured above.
4. Finish Binding on Charity Baby Quilt. - Pictured above.
5. UFO Buster APQ Random # __________ Make Progress.
6. Class at Quilt Store - Black Birds. Started and 1/2 done. My Friend Ronni made this art quilt and is going to teach a class on it.
7. Vintage Kitchen BOM Block # 6 and the alternate block for #5.
8. Woodsy Squirrel block. At least have it fused. Extra Credit if I get it top stitched.
9. Not Forgotten Quilt - Here's a really big one. I don't have to have this done until the middle of July - but since I will be gone from approx June 26-July 8th, if I don't have this complete I want it 90% done. A family friend from our church in Oregon, is doing some mission work in Australia. And as a side trip they did some work in India with a church "Lighthouse Ministries" that is helping rescue women and girls from sex trafficking. The campaign is called "Not Forgotten" Well I said I would try to make a wall hanging art quilt to be auctioned off at her fund raising auction. So I have my picture in mind and I am going to use the technique we learned with the dragonflies quilt to make it. I don't want to show my design yet but I will keep you posted. I am really excited and honored to do this and pray it will bring a really good price to help them.
10. Pick one of my hand work projects to take on vacation so I can hand stitch while hubby drives and or when we are in motel rooms. I'll let you know what I pick when I figure it out.
Okay I always come up with huge amounts of extras so who knows what all will happen this month. :) But I told you I would tell you a little more about the Mondo bag. Here's the rest of the story on that. I got it finished and took it to the cottage on Friday. We were having an organizing day of the fabric closet for SNR guild. Well I ended up loading the Mondo bag up with orphan blocks to be sewn together into quilt tops and then finished into quilts. I told them I wasn't bringing my Mondo bag to anything else ever again. :) So I now have a kit and a grocery bag of strips for quilts to make for CRQ guild and after Friday I have enough orphan blocks for at least 3 quilt tops for SNR guild. So I don't think I'll have a problem finding extra things to do in June. And if the sun and the moon line up just right I might even have enough time to pull out one of my other UFO's and work on it. ha ha ha.
If you made it this far - thank you and please leave a comment and let me know.
Thanks again and have a Blessed Day!
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