Well I am on the road so I'm trying to get my June wrap up done - and post a few goals for July. I am on vacation - do you still call it that when you are retired? Anyway we are on the road and visiting family and celebrating my Dad's 80th birthday. So I'm sure more pictures will follow.
1. Blog more about my progress. Don't wait 20 days to blog it. Success!
2. Mystery Monday Complete whatever it is. Complete - It was a Table runner.
3. Finish the Baby Quilt for husbands Friend. Done
4. Finish Binding on Charity Baby Quilt. - Done I didn't get another picture but this is the quilt.
5. UFO Buster APQ Random # _ Make Progress. Done Well I did make progress but I don't have proof. It wasn't significant but the UFO ended up being my quilt called "A Little Porch time" and you can read more here. I did start doing the hands in the churn dash blocks but didn't take a picture before we headed out on the road. :( :)
6. Class at Quilt Store - Black Birds. Started and 1/2 done. My Friend Ronni made this art quilt and is going to teach a class on it. Here is a picture of hers.
Done - Here is a picture of mine framed and all.
7. Vintage Kitchen BOM Block # 6 and the alternate block for #5. Progress - but not complete.
This is the alternate block I'll have to see what Jenny posts for the block this month.
With the issues I had with my finger I was able to bind the table runner and the two baby quilts but I didn't get the Vintage kitchen blocks done. I got the alternate block picture above almost done, and the next block prepped but not started.
8. Woodsy Squirrel block. At least have it fused. Extra Credit if I get it top stitched. Done Yahoo I actually got a woodsy quilt goal done. :)

9. Not Forgotten Quilt - Here's a really big one. I don't have to have this done until the middle of July - but since I will be gone from approx June 26-July 8th, if I don't have this complete I want it 90% done. A family friend from our church in Oregon, is doing some mission work in Australia. And as a side trip they did some work in India with a church "Lighthouse Ministries" that is helping rescue women and girls from sex trafficking. The campaign is called "Not Forgotten" Well I said I would try to make a wall hanging art quilt to be auctioned off at her fund raising auction. So I have my picture in mind and I am going to use the technique we learned with the dragonflies quilt to make it. I don't want to show my design yet but I will keep you posted. I am really excited and honored to do this and pray it will bring a really good price to help them.
It is done - I have a quilt hanger on order and then will mail it off. I am so happy with how it turned out and hope it gets a good price.
Front and back. I drew this, painted it on white fabric and then quilted it.
10. Pick one of my hand work projects to take on vacation so I can hand stitch while hubby drives and or when we are in motel rooms. I'll let you know what I pick when I figure it out. Done - I have been wanting to do these for a long time so before we left I got these prepped to take on the trip.
Extras I did.....
I made these for my little Great Nieces that I get to see tomorrow - Yay!!!
I also made a bench pillow (almost complete) with the seasonal cover (July's) Sorry no picture I'm going to owe you a few pictures when we get home.
And I did a major clean job that I posted in a previous post.
On to July
Since I won't be home for the first few days of this month - I'm trying not to go overboard. We'll see how that goes. I am also leaving a few slots open for those things
1. Continue to blog more!
2. Mail the "Not Forgotten" Action Quilt.
3. Mystery Monday - What ever it is - complete it.
4. Top Stitch the Woodsy Squirrel - for extra credit make another block.
5. Make progress on the SNR guild Mystery Quilt.
6. APQ Random UFO Buster #____?
7. Not like I planned - that project that comes up you weren't expecting. :)
8. Charity Work - Make progress on all he charity quilt tops I have.
9. I have several tops that need quilting - start quilting one of them.
10. Work on the wool projects I prepped.
11. Vintage Kitchen blocks - catch up - finish alternate #5 then do #6 and #7
Yep that's a short list alright. LOL
Okay - I'll update with more photo's later - After the road trip.
Thanks for stopping by,
Have a blessed day,