Saturday, July 25, 2015

Shop Blocks

Today was Art Quilt Social at our local Quilt shop and in stead of doing a small project - we did a large project.
We painted large 4x4 foot quilt blocks to go on the outside of the building.  So instead of barn blocks - I'm calling them Shop Blocks.  :)

My friend Rosemary and I worked on one together - this is the block we chose.

The boards were already primed in the magenta color.  We drew the lines and taped it off. 

Then we did three of the colors that weren't touching. The white, the yellowish green, and the Orange.

Then once that was dry we peeled the tape and re-taped to put the darker purple and the turquoise blue on.  

We had two of us working on our block and we toughed it out and stayed later than the rest to get it done.  But here are a couple of the others that were in the works.  

I got very warm and have a selfie of how red I got but not sure I want to post.   We'll finish up any residual on Tuesday.  

 So that's it for now.
We had a great day even if it was so hot.  
Have a Blessed day!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Sewing - What is Sewing?

 I have not been doing much of this thing you call sewing.  :)   Ha ha!

We are doing some updating and remodeling of our kitchen and main bathroom. So that has pretty much taken up all of my time.  We have painted the living room ceiling, as well as the bathroom and kitchen ceilings.We took off the wall paper in one of the bathrooms and the kitchen and painted those walls.  Then we painted all the cupboards and cabinets. Everything is looking so nice.   Pardon the ladder and other construction tools.  It's still a WIP.

Then remember my clean sewing area in the Arizona room -

Ya well that is not so much anymore. We are in Monsoon season here in Arizona - what does that mean.   It means that rain and wind blows from every direction and sometime it causes flooding... Yep we had an issue.  Our Arizona room has had leaking for a long time - we have been working to correct that for the year we have been here.  But after getting wet so many times, the indoor/outdoor  carpet that was in there needed to go bye bye.  So today we spent a few hours moving pushing and pulling things around ripping that carpet out.  No more pretty sewing area.  At least not right now.  But it will be better.  There is concrete in there that was under the carpet and I think - no I know - it will be better without that carpet.  It was already stained and we had area rugs over it to make it look better - so I'm happy it's gone.  I was really concerned with what kinds of molds and toxins that could be lurking in a 20 year old carpet that has repeatedly gotten wet.
Now days there are so many options available to paint and decorate concrete I think I want it to stay that way.  And if I really feel I need something else in there I can get another area rug.   But I can really move around with my sewing chair if I don't have carpet.  ha ha.

So now you know why there hasn't been much sewing going on. we are still getting a couple of bids on the counter tops - and that will finish up our kitchen update for now and hopefully I can re-organize the sewing/ Arizona room and get back to sewing.
Hope you are having a Blessed day -

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Take Note of this..

Well now you can take notes, with this fun little notebook cover that we made in Mystery Monday yesterday.

I got to use my zipper foot for the first time ever and I got to put pipping on something which I've never done - so it was very fun.
Today is open sew and I haven't decided but I may make another.  :)
Have a Blessed day,

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Stars and Stripes

I'm putting together some of my archived starts and stripes to link up with "Tuesdays Archives" 

Here are some of my star quilts: 

This is a baby quilt made for a friend of ours.

This is currently on the our spare bed. 

 This is a doll quilt made for a swap.

Another doll quilt made for a swap. 

This is just one block that is part of a wool and cotton quilt called "Ruby Red Dot" 

And some combination of stars and stripes

 This is a quilt that I made for charity for one of my guilds.  I had enough strips left over so I made a pieced back.

Below is a quilt called Sweet Land of Liberty.  It was my introduction into primitive quilts and took me nearly 2 years to finish.  Of course I have older UFO's but was so happy that I got this finished.  It has hand applique, piecing, wool, cotton, homespun, embroidery - you name it.  It just has so much to it - click on it to enlarge and check it out. 

Thanks for stopping by - have a Blessed day - Lynn 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

UFO Buster

Now that we are home I'm already planning my attack on my monthly goals.  The first Monday of the month All People Quilts announces the random UFO buster number of the month.   This month is #1. that project is  "Henrietta Whiskers".  

I don't remember exactly when I started this project, but it was offered as a free block of the month from Bunny Hill Designs
Well I've always wanted to hand piece a quilt and I think I came across this about the time that we were selling our house.  So since I had most of my sewing stuff packed up in the garage, I thought this would be a great quilt to try and hand piece.  Hmmm.  :)  Anyway I will continue on by hand. 
 I am using a combo of wool and cotton and needle turn applique.  
Here is the beginning status of the quilt -  I have two blocks done. 

I will keep you posted and let you know how much progress I make.  It is #6 on my July goals.  I didn't list how much progress I need to make - but I would just say any progress because I know I will not finish it.  Just sayin'  and being real.  
The funny thing about these UFO's they get lost - and then when you pull them out you can get excited about them all over again.   I wish all these months that I've been doing this I was finishing each one - but it's not happening. 
Well anyway - we need to buy groceries - the cupboards aren't totally bare, but the fridge is, so I guess if we want breakfast tomorrow, I better go tonight.  
 Have blessed day - Lynn 

Home Sweet Home

We're home, we're home!!!!!   

We had a wonderful time on our vacation for my Dad's birthday - or like the grandkids used to say "Kation"  :)  

We headed to California first to drop off our doggies.
At my Brother-in-laws house.
We stayed there a couple of days - letting the dogs get adjusted and driving around visiting and seeing old places that my husband knew growing up.  It was fun seeing that part of his life in his home town. 
I also got to visit a couple of quilt / fabric shops while there too.  Score.  And I didn't buy too much either - Wow I know. 

My Brother-in-law had a friend visiting from China so the doggies were totally abused while he was at work during the day - can you tell?   :)

After we left there we made our way up towards Oregon to celebrate my Dad's 80th Birthday.   He lives on the southern Oregon coast. 

Happy Birthday Daddy - Love you So So Much!

We got most all of our family together for the event.  

Above picture: Top left Whitney with Ava, Mark with Brynn (the twins) That is my Sister Randi's son and family. Then Me, my daughter Chantaya.  Sister Randi, Step Brother Gene, 
Bottom Left, my husband Jerry, Step-Mom Shirley with Dad, and on right Dan, Randi's husband. 

Very similar expect the picture takers switching to get in picture.  Next to me in back row is  Alyse, Gene's wife (Sister in law) rest of the people remain the same.  Except Chantaya came down front. 

Below - Dad with his two girls.  

Unfortunately his great grandchildren from our daughter Chantaya, couldn't make it.  Here's a picture of them visiting him a couple summers ago. 
Here's some random pictures from 4th of July and his party.  Dad's Birthday was actually on Friday the 3rd but it made it easier to celebrate on the 4th. 
Mark's twins - Brynn on left Ava on right.  
I gave them their little purses and dresses they really liked them. 

 Jerry Playing catch with Ava.

Shirley, Gene and Alyse with their doggies or should I say horse sized Dobermans  -  the dogs are big but they are really sweet.  Kitty and Jaxon. 

Brynn - coloring.  
Whitney on beach with the girls.

After all of the celebrations we went to the pier and watched the fireworks. 

It was so fun and I loved seeing everyone - it's been way too long since we've seen part of the family - but it wouldn't be so special if it hadn't.  
We drove back to pick up the doggies in California - WOW were they happy we came back to get them. As nervous as they were on the ride there, they slept all the way home. (About 4 1/2 hours) 
As much as I miss my family - it's good to be home.  
Have a Blessed day - Lynn 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June goes into July

Well I am on the road so I'm trying to get my June wrap up done - and post a few goals for July.  I am on vacation - do you still call it that when you are retired?  Anyway we are on the road and visiting family and celebrating my Dad's 80th birthday.  So I'm sure more pictures will follow.

1.  Blog more about my progress.  Don't wait 20 days to blog it.  Success!

2.  Mystery Monday  Complete whatever it is.  Complete - It was a Table runner. 

3.  Finish the Baby Quilt for husbands Friend.  Done 

4.   Finish Binding on Charity Baby Quilt. - Done  I didn't get another picture but this is the quilt.  

5.  UFO Buster APQ Random # _  Make Progress.   Done Well I did make progress but I don't have proof.  It wasn't significant but the UFO ended up being my quilt called "A Little Porch time"  and you can read more here.  I did start doing the hands in the churn dash blocks but didn't take a picture before we headed out on the road. :( :)  
6.  Class at Quilt Store - Black Birds.   Started and 1/2 done. My Friend Ronni made this art quilt and is going to teach a class on it.  Here is a picture of hers.  

 Done  - Here is a picture of mine framed and all.  

 7. Vintage Kitchen BOM Block # 6 and the alternate block for #5.  Progress - but not complete.  
This is the alternate block I'll have to see what Jenny posts for the block this month. 

With the issues I had with my finger I was able to bind the table runner and the two baby quilts but I didn't get the Vintage kitchen blocks done.  I got the alternate block picture above almost done, and the next block prepped but not started. 

8.  Woodsy Squirrel block.  At least have it fused. Extra Credit if I get it top stitched.   Done  Yahoo I actually got a woodsy quilt goal done.  :)

9.  Not Forgotten Quilt - Here's a really big one.  I don't have to have this done until the middle of July - but since I will be gone from approx June 26-July 8th, if I don't have this complete I want it 90% done.  A family friend from our church in Oregon, is doing some mission work in Australia. And as a side trip they did some work in India with a church "Lighthouse Ministries"  that is helping rescue women and girls from sex trafficking.  The campaign is called "Not Forgotten" Well I said I would try to make a wall hanging art quilt to be auctioned off at her fund raising auction.  So I have my picture in mind and I am going to use the technique we learned with the dragonflies quilt to make it.  I don't want to show my design yet but I will keep you posted.  I am really excited and honored to do this and pray it will bring a really good price to help them. 

It is done - I have a quilt hanger on order and then will mail it off.  I am so happy with how it turned out and hope it gets a good price. 

Front and back.  I drew this, painted it on white fabric and then quilted it. 

10. Pick one of my hand work projects to take on vacation so I can hand stitch while hubby drives and or when we are in motel rooms. I'll let you know what I pick when I figure it out.   Done -  I have been wanting to do these for a long time so before we left I got these prepped to take on the trip. 

Extras I did.....

I made these for my little Great Nieces that I get to see tomorrow - Yay!!!

I also made a bench pillow (almost complete) with the seasonal cover (July's)  Sorry no picture I'm going to owe you a few pictures when we get home. 
And I did a major clean job that I posted in a previous post.  

On to July 

Since I won't be home for the first few days of this month - I'm trying not to go overboard.  We'll see how that goes.  I am also leaving a few slots open for those things 

1.   Continue to blog more! 
2.   Mail the "Not Forgotten" Action Quilt.
3.   Mystery Monday - What ever it is - complete it. 
4.   Top Stitch the Woodsy Squirrel - for extra credit make another block.  
5.   Make progress on the SNR guild Mystery Quilt. 
6.   APQ Random UFO Buster #____?
7.   Not like I planned  - that project that comes up you weren't expecting.  :)  
8.   Charity Work -  Make progress on all he charity quilt tops I have. 
9.   I have several tops that need quilting - start quilting one of them. 
10. Work on the wool projects I prepped. 
11.  Vintage Kitchen blocks - catch up - finish alternate #5 then do #6 and #7

Yep that's a short list alright.  LOL

Okay  - I'll update with more photo's later -  After the road trip.  
Thanks for stopping by,
Have a blessed day,

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...