Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Home Sweet Home

We're home, we're home!!!!!   

We had a wonderful time on our vacation for my Dad's birthday - or like the grandkids used to say "Kation"  :)  

We headed to California first to drop off our doggies.
At my Brother-in-laws house.
We stayed there a couple of days - letting the dogs get adjusted and driving around visiting and seeing old places that my husband knew growing up.  It was fun seeing that part of his life in his home town. 
I also got to visit a couple of quilt / fabric shops while there too.  Score.  And I didn't buy too much either - Wow I know. 

My Brother-in-law had a friend visiting from China so the doggies were totally abused while he was at work during the day - can you tell?   :)

After we left there we made our way up towards Oregon to celebrate my Dad's 80th Birthday.   He lives on the southern Oregon coast. 

Happy Birthday Daddy - Love you So So Much!

We got most all of our family together for the event.  

Above picture: Top left Whitney with Ava, Mark with Brynn (the twins) That is my Sister Randi's son and family. Then Me, my daughter Chantaya.  Sister Randi, Step Brother Gene, 
Bottom Left, my husband Jerry, Step-Mom Shirley with Dad, and on right Dan, Randi's husband. 

Very similar expect the picture takers switching to get in picture.  Next to me in back row is  Alyse, Gene's wife (Sister in law) rest of the people remain the same.  Except Chantaya came down front. 

Below - Dad with his two girls.  

Unfortunately his great grandchildren from our daughter Chantaya, couldn't make it.  Here's a picture of them visiting him a couple summers ago. 
Here's some random pictures from 4th of July and his party.  Dad's Birthday was actually on Friday the 3rd but it made it easier to celebrate on the 4th. 
Mark's twins - Brynn on left Ava on right.  
I gave them their little purses and dresses they really liked them. 

 Jerry Playing catch with Ava.

Shirley, Gene and Alyse with their doggies or should I say horse sized Dobermans  -  the dogs are big but they are really sweet.  Kitty and Jaxon. 

Brynn - coloring.  
Whitney on beach with the girls.

After all of the celebrations we went to the pier and watched the fireworks. 

It was so fun and I loved seeing everyone - it's been way too long since we've seen part of the family - but it wouldn't be so special if it hadn't.  
We drove back to pick up the doggies in California - WOW were they happy we came back to get them. As nervous as they were on the ride there, they slept all the way home. (About 4 1/2 hours) 
As much as I miss my family - it's good to be home.  
Have a Blessed day - Lynn 

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