Saturday, July 25, 2015

Shop Blocks

Today was Art Quilt Social at our local Quilt shop and in stead of doing a small project - we did a large project.
We painted large 4x4 foot quilt blocks to go on the outside of the building.  So instead of barn blocks - I'm calling them Shop Blocks.  :)

My friend Rosemary and I worked on one together - this is the block we chose.

The boards were already primed in the magenta color.  We drew the lines and taped it off. 

Then we did three of the colors that weren't touching. The white, the yellowish green, and the Orange.

Then once that was dry we peeled the tape and re-taped to put the darker purple and the turquoise blue on.  

We had two of us working on our block and we toughed it out and stayed later than the rest to get it done.  But here are a couple of the others that were in the works.  

I got very warm and have a selfie of how red I got but not sure I want to post.   We'll finish up any residual on Tuesday.  

 So that's it for now.
We had a great day even if it was so hot.  
Have a Blessed day!

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