Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Whole lot of Cooking Going On

Sunday we relaxed a little - we'd been working around the house quite a bit.  So I spent a good part of the day finishing the fusing of the 2nd bear on the appropriate color of fabric.  Then I worked on cutting all those pieces out.  It takes much longer than you think.

Then as I cut out each color - they needed to be sorted by body part.  Head, nose, mouth, body, leg.....  
.  Monday - I wanted to get back in there and finish it up I had a few things to do before we headed out to Vegas to pick up my Brother in law so not go.

Yesterday  - my Hubby and BIL  headed out for Yuma to meet up with their other brother and a cousin so I was free to sew and cook.  I finished cutting the bear out and started putting the head together.

After I got that much done (I'd been working on it for 5 1/2 hours)  I decided I better get some of my cooking done.  I made Meatloaf and Augratin Potatoes.  I took part of it out and froze it and ten combined the rest for a meal for the guys while I am gone this weekend at the retreat.  

I put some pinto beans in the crock pot, and made some chili sauce.  (Salsa) 

 Then I made some mashed potatoes to go with a Turkey Breast that I was planning to back today.  Once I got that done, I went to the post office and mailed a card and stopped by the store to pick up a few things.  By the time I got home and got everything put away - I was pretty much done for the day.    I kicked back with my puppies on my lap and watched some TV and did some hand stitching. 

Here are the fruits of today's cooking.  I cooked a turkey breast and made gravy to go with the potatoes.   Should have taken a picture before I carved it.  :)

And I also made two Chicken Pot Pies for tomorrow's Business Meeting.  

While I was doing all this cooking in between I was still working on the bear had and was able to do the mouth and nose to finish out the head. 

By the time all of this was done it was time to get ready for my hair cut and pedicure.  Unfortunately when I got there and started getting my hair cut I found out the lady that was going to do my pedi was ill and I had to reschedule for next Friday.  I guess I'll have to touch up my toes to carry my thru.  :) 
 I stopped and looked around the "J" store, on my way home.  We need to have a White Elephant gift for Saturday at the retreat.  I picked up a few things then come home and looked thru  my stuff to see what all I could put in the exchange.  Here's what I came up with.  

A Table runner (that's on the bottom) , some chocolate, a candle, some charm strips, a cell phone pouch, and s pack with seam ripper, seam gauge, and scissors. 

I then played around making some scissor fobs.  I had a lot of fun with this.  I can see more of it in my future. 

By this time I was getting pretty hungry so I picked up my sewing room, got some projects packed for the retreat and made some rice to go with some of the turkey and gravy.  

I think it's time for me to kick back on the couch with my puppies and watch some TV.  

Tomorrow is our CRQ Business meeting and sometime in the afternoon my Honey and BIL will be home.  Then Friday I'l be heading out for my retreat.  
Hope you have a Blessed Day and Weekend.

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