Saturday, March 12, 2016

Organized and Ready to Sew

Well Henrietta is having so much fun since I've let her out to play this month.  And I'm so glad she's been able to play because she's about the only one making some progress.  :)
Let's recap a little since it's been a few days.  When I left off, Sally the Seahorse made a big splash by getting finished and ready to proudly hang. She is temporarily hung by push pins until she gets a quilt hanger.  She is in our guest bathroom.

But after Sally got done, the painting and sewing took a wrong turn and couldn't be found.  ha ha.
Monday - I had to do some banking for the SNR guild, then hubby and I went house looking.  We won't be buying for a couple years but we've always loved looking for fun.
Tuesday - I worked at the shop - until about 1 pm then hung around had lunch with them and then when I came home I was so sleepy that I napped before the SNR Business Meeting.  The meeting went well.   I revealed the new Scavenger Hunt Items for the upcoming month.   Mittens, Black Bird and Golf Tee's.  I have a couple of Ideas - we'll see.

Wednesday - I got up with energy to spare - I started cleaning and sorting - and de-cluttering, sending emails that needed to go, making phone calls - guess it was my day to get it done.  Then in the early afternoon, my sweet hubby went golfing and I headed into the sewing room. I intended to sew - but Uh Oh.  It wasn't as messy as I've seen it some times but it was a little cluttered.  That and I was looking for a couple things.  Sooooo I spent close to 5 hours re-organizing and putting away fabric, kits, UFO's, quilts to be quilted - oh my - oh my.  But in the process I did manage to hang a few of my little quilts around the house.  No since in hiding them in a bin somewhere.  :)
This one is in my Kitchen

This one is in the guest bedroom.

And my Turtles are in the living room.  

 By the time I finally finished and thought about doing some sewing I was only able to get a couple more of the comfort/security blankets done for the SNR charity project before my honey called and said he was on his way home.  I did take a couple of breaks while cleaning and put on a pot of spaghetti sauce to simmer and some boiling water - so I popped in the noodles and he had a nice home cooked meal when he got home - and I have a much more organized sewing room.  It's not totally how I want it yet, and in some ways still looks cluttered - but without having more shelves  or cabinets, the bins have to stay and I do what I can.  All in all it  looks much better.  :)
Here's a peek at the two comfort blankets I made.

The blue is on one side and the print on the other.  I made 2 the same - and this brings my total to 10.

Thursday - I had a Dept head meeting for the CRQ guild.  I dropped off our doggies on the way to the meeting for their monthly bath.  The meeting lasted way longer than I anticipated 2 1/2 hours.  But it covered some good stuff. The president was wanting to know what we could do to make areas run smoother and what will be needed for the up coming year and nominations for offices.  

Then I picked up the doggies on my way home - aren't they pretty? 

After that - Hubby and I went to lunch, ran some errands and bought groceries.  And of course we picked up some chicken at the store and that made for a quick easy meal for dinner.  

Friday - was Cottage day.  I took some hand stitching so I didn't have bring my machine.  Sometimes it's easier not to pack up and all.  So I worked some more on Henrietta and I was able to finish Block 4. 

There will be other embellishments such as buttons but will add after it is quilted.  

Then when I got home - I was able to prep block 6 for Henrietta (5 was already done) 

Then with that done - I prepped my block for this month's scavenger block. Black Bird - Mittens - Golf Tee. 
The mittens and the black bird are wool.  (of course).

Then I made a golf towel - it was supposed to be for my Brother in law - but my hubby liked it and since it was his Birthday I relented and gave it to him.  

That was it for sewing  - I did more in an afternoon than I did all week.  :)  So because it was my honey's Birthday I thought it might be nice to have dinner ready for him - so I had stopped at the store and picked up additional items I needed and got it all prepped and made except heating up the meatballs when he got home.  It's kind of like a meatball gyro.  It has Italian seasoning in the meatballs, then you put it in pita bread with cabbage, tomato, onion and cucumber sauce.  It was so good that we ate the sandwiches and didn't even eat the tomato cucumber salad I made to go with it.  

Picture doesn't do it justice - but was really good. 

Today - was a nice day and a productive day.  We had a wind/sand storm the other night and the house, patio, garage, carport.... were all coated in a layer of dust.  So Hubby tackled the outside and I tackled the inside.  I was planning on doing my house cleaning today anyway - but with the storm and company coming on Monday I did a little extra deep cleaning.  I'll do some hand stitching tonight while I watch TV - but other than that no sewing today either.  Tomorrow however is a new day.  LOL  I plan on getting rid of some mature blondes (color my hair) and then it will be sewing the rest of the afternoon.  Not sure what I'll work on at this point but it will be nice to play. 
Oh and by the way - I managed to play in there yesterday after coming home from the cottage and put away everything as I got done with it so that it is still clean in there.  Good Girl huh?  

Have a Blessed Evening and Day tomorrow - 

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