Saturday, March 26, 2016

Cut N Fold Wreath and Quilting

Thursday was a workshop for the CRQ guild, and we made cut n fold wreaths.  If you google it you will see tons of pictures on the internet.  I tried to link up to a page with pictures - not so easy.  :)

Here is one of the pictures of one that comes up when you google it.

So On Thursday I was able to do my cutting out,  Fuse my heavy batting to the backing.  

Sew around all my squares. and then turn them right side out thru this X - hence why you need an applique square.

After turning and pressing you fuse the applique piece and top stitch around each applique piece.   

That's as far as got on Thursday - Yesterday - we drove around and had fun sightseeing.   We drove to a place called cottonwood cove which is the Nevada side of Lake Mohave. 
It was a beautiful day for a drive.  

 On the ride there above, and a couple views of the lake to the right and below.

Hubby and I - isn't he handsome?  
This is hubby and his brother Frank.

Today I was able to work on the wreath again. 
Next you have to mark the angled sewing line on the squares - and sew the blocks together.  

After they are all sewn together you need to fold over the flap and sew the tips together - and add decoration if you choose. 

And Voila it is done.  :)  

After I finished that I still had a little time so I grabbed the poinsettia table topper that is 1/2 quilted and thought I would try to finish it up.  Here's where I started.  I had the majority of the inside quilted just needed the two borders and corners done. 

And I was able to finish the quilting, I continued the swirls in the small border, did a little curly in the corners and then did leaves in the bigger border. Then I was able to get the binding attached.  Now I just need to finish the hand stitching of the binding.   And with that I was done sewing for the day.  

We had dinner and then Hubby and I took a drive to the park and walked down to the boat dock to see how the fishing was doing?  No one was fishing today.  

Well that's all for now - Have a Blessed evening!

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