Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March UFO Busting

Drum Roll Please.....  APQ random number iiisssss    #3 and on my list this year that will be

Henrietta Whiskers

Okay so to bring you and myself up to date on this dusty UFO.  This quilt is hand pieced and appliqued. I started this back in 2012/13 when we had our house in Oregon for sale before we retired and moved to AZ.    I had always wanted to hand piece a quilt and since it was too hard to have all my sewing stuff out and have the house perfectly clean for showings at all times this was a good way to still get my sewing fix and keep things tidy.  I had this on the list for last years UFO buster but only got 1/2 block done.  I'm hoping that this year having 2 months to work on each of 6 UFO's I will be able to bust through this and maybe even get it to the flimsy stage.   A girl can always hope right?  

Okay here is where I left off last year when I pulled it out.   I had two blocks done (left)  and then was able to get this much of the 3rd block done.  (Below)

This is my starting point! Let's hope I can get several blocks done this month.  It is a longer month and knowing I had a lot going on I tried to give myself a little more of a vague goal list - so I might just be able to get lots done.  

Since I don't have anything else lined up for today I think I'll pull this out and get if organized to start working on.  Give myself a little boost for getting it done.

Hope you have a Blessed Day doing something you want to do.

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