Sunday, March 6, 2016

Henrietta and Sally

Well after I posted on Wednesday that my UFO for the month was Henrietta Whiskers, I did indeed spend the rest of the day prepping more blocks to do.  My starting status is in the middle of block 3.
It needed the sign and the scarf and to stitch around the wagon.

First I Prepped block 4 and 5.  Those are the first 2 on the second row from the left.  I have the background fabric and all the applique pieces ready to go whether they are cotton or wool.  

Then I got the sign embroidered and sewn on.

Thursday I didn't do any sewing at all.  We had a ton of errands to run and by the time we got home it was late and I was tired.  
Friday was the Memorial for my friend and the shop owner's Mom who went to Heaven a couple of weeks ago.  I went to the Memorial and then my Husband and I helped with parking and refreshments at the gathering afterwards.  It was a nice service and gathering - and a nice day.  I was tired but did manage to do a little stitching to finish block 3.  

It will have buttons on the wheels of the cart and on the scarf.   I haven't decided if I want a button eye or not.  

Yesterday I went to a friends house and a bunch of us did some painting on fabric using the techniques we learned last year when we did the Dragonfly Wall Hanging.  You can see it Here

I took 3 different pictures to work on - wasn't sure what I wanted to do. 

I settled on the Seahorse - I thought I could do it in Turquoise and make a wall hanging for the guest bathroom to match the quilt on our guest bed and the Black and White decor of the guest bathroom.  (I did however start on the duck blocks because I had extra time but I'll show that later. )

Here's what I painted. 

Then when I got home I was auditioning fabric to go around it.  

And after 2 phone calls and several texts between my Sister and I -  me helping her with a sewing project she was doing and her making a couple of suggestions on the Seahorse - This is what I came up with. 

I really really like it.   Now to quilt it and get it bound so I can hang it.  

And I've decided it's name shall be Sally - Sally the Seahorse.

Well I'm going to head into the sewing room.  I kinda wanted to make a different scavenger block - so not sure if I'll work on that or if I'll quilt Sally.  

Have a Blessed Day - 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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