Sunday, October 16, 2016

Craft Fair is over

Well we spent two days finishing up the babies/dolls in a bag and pot holders,  for the craft fair.  

One of the doll bags (and it sold)  

All 3 of the above were ones that sold.  

My Sister on the left and my friend Gloria, right whom I shared a table with. 

Here's a close up of my stuff.  Bags, dolls, purses potholders, fabric, kits, quilts...  A lot of stuff. 

So now the craft fair is over and done and in my thinking - I am probably done with Craft Fairs in this town.   I sold a few things to my friends and one item to a person that came through.  

I  still have an over flowing tub of stuff left - and except for the pot holders and some new dolls, all the items have been to 2 craft fairs and a quilt show boutique. Yes all in the same small town.  
I say all this because there are a couple more chances for craft fairs this year.  I would not make any more items, but not sure it would be worth even trying to set up somewhere else.  So as I stated - I think I'm done doing craft fairs.  
For the next few days I'm going to enjoy my Sister since she will be leaving on Wednesday.  Then Thursday will be guild meeting for the other guild, then Friday starts the retreat.  Yay!!!

Then when I get done with that, it will be time to work on the rest of the stuff on my list of goals which I'm pretty sure are going to be lacking this month.  :)  It has taken a huge chunk of my time to work on the craft fair items and then there will not be a ton of time left for what is remaining on the list.  I guess we'll see what I can come up with.

Have a Blessed day!

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