Saturday, October 8, 2016

Wooly UFO's and Craft Fair Prep

I'm not sure it it's a compliment or a wake up call to find out that a few of your friends have recently bought patterns or kits of items that are in your UFO/WIP pile(s).  I will have to think on that.  :)  And it's funny because just yesterday a friend and I were talking about - what do you do on your UFO list for the year if you have more than 12 UFO's.  Hmmm I'll have to think on that also.  But of course after seeing them with their kits and patterns I had to dig a couple of the UFO's out last night knowing I had no time to work on them now.  But I looked at them and will now be trying to figure out where they go on the list for next year.  LOL 
Berdie thru the year - Here's January  

February got started 

Here's what all the months should look like. 

Then here's another -  Pennies from Heaven. 
I started this so many years ago - Here's the blocks I have done.  A couple of them still need topstitching.  

This is what the finished quilt should look like.  

I have one more flower block, two sunshine blocks, the center block and all the the borders. Still a lot to do - but it makes me want to get working on  it again. 

Okay since I haven't been working on these what am I doing?  Well here are a couple of pictures I said I would give you from my end of he month post.  The dog bed I made for my doggies, however Pepe seems to be hogging it right now.   

And the Trick or Treat bags for the Craft Fair 

Also some potholders

And then one of the guild projects - the tumbler Flag. 

I will be binding this with the red, that's why it is laying behind - for a preview. 

Then I have been working on the extra dolls that I wanted to make for the craft fair.  I mentioned that I got 3 new dolls.  Well they looked very similar to my last ones with the exceptions of the eyes.  Well have you ever heard the saying don't let looks deceive you?  Yep you guessed it.  I cut out all these sets of doll dresses and I get one all made and guess what - it's too small.  

As close as these look they are different. The one on the left has a smaller head, smaller neck, bigger waist and is longer.  The one on the right has a bigger head, bigger neck, smaller waist and shorter.  So as I wake in the night I am trying to figure out how to adjust with out having to re-design and cut out all the dress pieces again.  I did it.  Those waking hours in the night are not in vain.  The yoke part of he dress can be flipped up side down putting the fold and the neck on the other side and Bam it works great.  Hence the one on the left has a pretty little dress and is not naked. :) 

My Sister is coming to visit on Wednesday so the next few days will be a little busy. I need to wrap up the craft fair stuff, do a little sprucing of the guest room, and get it ready for Sis and my normal daily/weekly routines.  
Hope you all have a great day doing something you want to.   So I guess I better sign off and get at doing something. 

Have a Blessed Day!  Lynn

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...