Thursday, June 28, 2018

June OMG

This UFO  does not want to loose it's UFO status.  However I feel it's going to have to give it up soon. I started this quilt in January of 2011 - I think.  Fortunately for me, my One Monthly Goal was to finish the top and "start" quilting it.  So yes I completed my One Monthly Goal.  At one point I thought I was going to complete the whole quilt but I'm having a quilters block.  The free motion design I want to do for the borders is not coming out right. And instead of rushing through halfheartedly just to get it done and not be happy with it, I am practicing and then will finish. I Still need to quilt the bottom row except the wreath heart block, and then do the  borders. This is more than I thought I would get done when I set the goal so I am happy about that. Here is my finished Quilt Top!

Here is some of the quilting I've gotten done.  I am using a cream/tan variegated thread on the front in most blocks, so some of the quilting doesn't stand out a lot. I didn't want to take away from the applique, so I echoed them or echoed and then meandered around them.
I echoed around the crow and then meandered. I did a little bit of stitching in the trees and trunks.

In the next one I meandered but added the curl of smoke out of the chimney's. 

I want to do a holy and berry vine on the borders, however as I stated I need to practice more to make it look right.  Funny some people struggle with feathers - I can do that just fine - but give me a holly leaf... :). 
This UFO is real close to being called finished and I am happy.  I am also happy that I completed my goal and am able to link up to One Monthly Goal 
over at Elm Street Quilts.  So head over there and check out some other completed goals. 
Thanks for stopping by.  
Blessings - Lynn 


  1. What a wonderful quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  2. Oh, what fun! I really like your Santa crow!


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...