Monday, June 4, 2018

The Kids

I'm going to back up a little and fill in a few posts of what all has been going on. Our oldest Daughter and Son in law were here at the end of May and left the first of June.  We were on the go.  We went to Kingman and took the old Route 66 to the old mining town of Oatman.  We got to see some Burro's 
And a Big horned Sheep.  Picture is bad but he was a long way away.  
We spent one day looking at houses.  And we went to Bingo with them a couple of times at the casino's.  We won a couple of times at the Lodge on the River Casino.  We took them to the River to look around and got some pictures together.

 We took them on the USS Riverside.  It's a little boat tour that goes from the Riverside Casino up to Davis Dam and then back in front of rest of the casino's and back to the Riverside and tells the story of how Laughlin NV came to be.
 We took them to the Golden Nugget, all the times they have been here, they haven't gone in this one.
 They stayed at the Tropicana.
But the visit had to end and we took them back to Vegas to fly home.  
We had a wonderful time with them and we miss them lots.  
Our other Daughter, Granddaughter and Grandson will be here the 1st of August.  I'm sure that will be fun too. Now we just need to get our Son, DIL and grandson to visit soon too.  And then there is our Granddaughter, Grand SIL and 3 Great Grands in Texas we need to see to.  Love and miss them all. 
Blessings - Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...