Sunday, January 27, 2019

Guild Workshop Finish

I belong to two guilds I refer to them as the big one and the little one.  I have become more active in the little one than the big one merely because their days of activity seem to work better in my schedule. 
Well anyway, on Tuesday of this last week we had our monthly workshop and it was a Dresden table topper.  I guess it could also be a wall hanging.  I just got the last hand stitch of binding done last night so here it it.

Several of us had the blades sewn and the spikes pressed before we got to the class as our prep work, so it went together fairly well. 
I got all the blades put together at the workshop then came home and got it pinned ready to quilt. 
I have a round glass coffee table that I think I'll be putting it on.  I'm really pleased with it.
Today I'll be helping my Sister finish hers.
Update: She got hers done except hand stitching of binding.  

She smiled right after I clicked photo but oh well. :) 

Have a Blessed Day!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

First Road

Well I have finally experienced my first "Road to California"

I went with a few of my best friends, (Left to Right, Sister Randi, Gloria and Cheryl)  for a day trip to California to see and experience it.  I loved it.  Beautiful quilts, lots and lots of pretty things to buy. 

I was however pretty good with my buying.  I only got one charm square pack, a wide back for a quilt I'm making and 2 patterns. 
I took some pictures but not nearly enough and I did not get names of persons that created these so I am sorry I am not giving them credit for their beautiful work.  Here were a couple of the top winners.  I love the the 2nd one. 

My oldest daughter loves Prince so I had to take a couple photos of this wall of Prince challenge quilts.

Then she wanted them - so I also took pictures of the Elvis wall to show they were just on display.

A friend of mine that wasn't with us has a granddaughter that really likes Day of the Dead... so I had to take a picture of this and send to her.

I caved.  I've been trying not to take on new projects so I could finish some UFO's ... but the pressure. :)
My friend Cheryl that does everything for me and gives me everything finally said she liked something and is going to let me do it for her.  Hence one of the two patterns I got at the show. 

It's right up my alley - what I love to do... and if I start it now I may have it done around her Birthday in August.  (hey any excuse to start a new project is a good one right) *wink* 
I already have all the shapes traced I just need to start picking out my wool and fusing.  Since I'm only 2 blocks away from finishing my Frog embroidery I guess this can be my new quilt I work on at the cottage on Fridays. 
Okay the other pattern I got is this one 

and I may have to start it too so that it doesn't get buried with all the other patterns I want to do someday.  lol.  If I get it fused, then as soon as I finish the one for Cheryl I can work on this and have it as part of my decorations for this next Christmas.  Check back with me in a couple months and ask me how that's working for me.  ha ha.
Okay well I better get at something or nothings going to get done.

Monday, January 21, 2019

First UFO of the Year

It was a pretty easy finish, it was already quilted and the binding was sewn on, I just needed to do the hand stitching - but hey a finish is a finish.  I made this Table Runner Flimsy years ago.  2010 ish?  Then last year I finally got it quilted.  What's even better, I found someone that loves it, so it already has a home. The Omg what's that - I love it! made it easy to give away.  
Here's the back- 

It's coffee beans.  
I'm still working on my UFO of the month (#3) which just needs a little more hand stitching on the binding and it will be done.  I'll post a picture when it's done.  I'm also still working on a better name for it.  "Winter Fractions" ?  I'll let you know.   
Now off to get some more stuff done.  I'm cutting out my daughter in laws quilt that I will start at the February retreat.  More on that later.
Have a Blessed Day!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Bells and Swirls

Yesterday I started free motion quilting the Cat Grout Quilt. 

I was pleasantly pleased that I was able to get half of it done.  

 I'm doing swirls, loops and bells.

I'm  always so critical of my free motion quilting, but I'm pretty pleased with most of it.  I have some more sewing time today so I'll see if I can get the other half done, and maybe some of the borders.  
Happy Sewing, have a blessed day!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Quilt Show Boutique

Our big quilt guild - Colorado River Quilters, puts on a quilt show every other year. It takes a lot of planning and prep time to put a quilt show together and we usually prep for a year then have the show take a few months off and start prepping again.
We always have a boutique to earn money for the guild, so one of our project coordinators asked us to make pot holders this month to put in the boutique.    Here are the ones I came up with.  

The boot, hat, 2 hearts, and the one on the far right, were all made with scraps.  
The other two -

were made using a neat little technique that reminds me of the wine glass coasters. Cheryl and I are going to help Linda teach how to make them at our other guild in a February workshop.  Of course after Linda showed us how to make them  I had to come home and try it out and made a couple. So I'll give them to the boutique to sell also. 
On to the next item.
Have a great day - Blessings,  Lynn  

Monday, January 7, 2019

OMG and More

This year is starting off right and I want it to continue. I am done with my One Monthly Goal and ended up getting even more than I wanted to get done, completed. These are the name tags for our retreat we are putting on in March.

I thought I only had to cut them out 

and then fuse them and top stitch them. 
Well instead of handing them back to Cheryl to do the lettering - Well I ended up doing the lettering too.    
The last step was to cut them out with pinking shears... So here we go. 
 They are all ready to go for the March 3rd Retreat.  
I'll be linking this up at the end of the month to One Monthly Goal.  I got it done... All Done!
January OMG link-up is OPEN!

Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, January 4, 2019

First Finish

My first finished project of 2019, and it's gift too.
Meet Ann and Andy.

Our friend that lets us use her cottage to sew in on Friday's and other occasions is having her Birthday on Sunday. So when we went there to sew today I gave her a card and these little hot pads.  
Happy Birthday Annette. 
Now on another note, we need to be making hot pads to sell at our quilt show boutique, and I'm thinking these appliqued ones are super cute.  So there will be more of these in the future. I borrowed a book from my friend Cheryl that has a ton of cute applique pictures so I'm sure I'll find lots to make. 
Yesterday I got all the sewing machines cut out for the name badges, so now I just need to fuse them and top stitch. Yeah!
Today while at the cottage I finished one Frog block and almost another done.  So I need to trace out the last 3 for that,  I might get that UFO done this year after all.  
Have nice evening and blessed day!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 2019 OMG

Hello welcome to 2019.  Wow.  It always takes me a few days at the start of the new year to grasp that it's a whole new year.  Then it's like where do I start.  
Well I don't have any retreats this month but at the end of February, I have 3 back to back.  The one in the middle which is the first weekend in March is the one that I am part of putting on.  My homework for this retreat is to help with the name tags.  This year we are doing this.  
 So I need to cut out the little white sewing machines, then fuse and top stitch them onto the colored squares.  

I have 28 to 30 of them total to do.  
My One Monthly Goal for January is to get all of them cut out, and fused onto the colored squares. Then top stitch at least 12 of them.  
If I can get all of them stitched that will be a bonus. 
Wish me luck.  As always I have a years worth of want to's on top of this for January.  LOL
Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 A New Beginning

Happy New Year 2019
Image result for happy new year images 2019
  Lets make it great!

I have big plans in my head of many many finishes.  Lots of UFO's done and quilt tops quilted. 
I have 12 months or 52 weeks or 365 days.  365 days sounds like more time to get it done.  
I saw a post on Facebook last night (New Years Eve) that said: "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book.  Write a good one."  I really like that.   
Today is the first day of my new book. I plan to make it a good one. 
Don't really have resolutions for the year other than I want to get things done. For 2019, I am determined to stay focused and diligently finish stuff.  
Focus - Diligence and Determination - Those 3 words will hopefully keep me in line to get stuff done. 
I will make post later about my goals for the month.  Until then - enjoy your day.
Blessings,  Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...