Monday, January 21, 2019

First UFO of the Year

It was a pretty easy finish, it was already quilted and the binding was sewn on, I just needed to do the hand stitching - but hey a finish is a finish.  I made this Table Runner Flimsy years ago.  2010 ish?  Then last year I finally got it quilted.  What's even better, I found someone that loves it, so it already has a home. The Omg what's that - I love it! made it easy to give away.  
Here's the back- 

It's coffee beans.  
I'm still working on my UFO of the month (#3) which just needs a little more hand stitching on the binding and it will be done.  I'll post a picture when it's done.  I'm also still working on a better name for it.  "Winter Fractions" ?  I'll let you know.   
Now off to get some more stuff done.  I'm cutting out my daughter in laws quilt that I will start at the February retreat.  More on that later.
Have a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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