Monday, August 26, 2019

Weekly Check In

 This has been a different kinda month - very busy, but not all sewing.  Thankfully I did just have a 3 1/2 day quilting retreat.  I am now home and I did get a lot done so I am happy about that. 
I'll post more about that in a few, but I wanted to share a little of what else has been going on.  
As I stated in my last post we picked up my brother in law around midnight Sunday going into Monday and we were all tired and laid low Monday.  Frank headed over to other brother Ron's house to visit them and see their Mom.  I fused the Welcome sign and then did some hand stitching on a very old UFO. This is my oldest UFO, and I have it 95% done.  It is a quilt as you go that I started back in 2009 or 2010, I'll have to look that up, but all that needs to be done is to hand sew the back where the blocks come together 
Tuesday I am not even sure where the morning went. Hubby and I did our workouts, I did a little more hand stitching and then we ran a couple errands before his afternoon doctors appointment. Hubby had to get a new Doctor because his last one (and 4 before that) have done their residency and then left. That ended up being very entertaining.  While he was having his test, a lady got very dramatic about how she thought she wasn't getting the care she thought she should.  She ended up calling 911 from he doctors office and 8 paramedics showed up to take her daughter with a hurt leg to the hospital.  WOW.  It was different for sure.
Wednesday the 3 brothers got up early and played golf.  I put on a pot of beans to cook in the crock pot, made some chili sauce to go with it and then made breakfast burrito's for them to eat while I was at the retreat.  

Who wants to guess if they lasted until the retreat started.  
So Thursday we went around 3:30 and set up and sewed until around 6:30.  Friday the guys were golfing again and then I got ready and headed to the retreat. 
It was our 22nd anniversary - we got a lot of well wishes from the kids and our friends.  We'll do a dinner some other time to celebrate but really we were both doing what we love to do, and we know how special each of us are to each other so it was okay. 
We got our little welcome gifts two little bags.  

 Cute huh? 
Here are my friends.  Cheryl is across from me.  

Dawn was across and to the left.
Vickie is beyond Dawn.
Gloria was sitting across from Vickie I didn't get her picture.
Jean (in the stripes) was to my right - Judy and Barb came to visit. 
Katie and Susie were sitting beyond Jean. I didn't get their picture. 
Liz and Ann were behind us.  They are from California and we have a blast with them.  
 Here's more of the room - pretty much looks the same as it always does.  
This whole retreat was to do the top stitching on my Christmas Quilt.  
There is a big BBQ at Ron's house Saturday afternoon/evening, so I went shopping after the retreat on Friday and came home and made a bucket of salad.  Laugh if you will but there are some husky guys in this crowd.  
At the retreat on Saturday I kept working on the top stitching going color by color.  I was able to finish the bear welcome sign. I'll show some pictures of that later. 
Then they had show and tell - I took the bear quilt. Kevin one of the retreat organizers is very tall he helped hold it up so I could finally get a good picture of it. 
The BBQ started later than expected so I had Cheryl drop me off there so I could make an appearance.  It was somewhat of a family reunion all the brothers were together at the same time with Mom for the first time in 5 years.   Happy Mom. 
I am horrible at selfies but here are a couple with me and my Sister in law Casey (Ron's wife)  and then me with Frank (left) and Anthony. 

Sunday at the retreat - I was able to finish up the rest of the top stitching in the blocks - and sew them together. That actually satisfies my One Monthly goal but I will iron and get a better picture and make a separate post for that. 
Sunday night we all went to dinner at the Riverside Buffet - here is my Niece Brandi and her boyfriend Andy. 
The guys got up early and golfed again today and then I made them a big breakfast when they came home.  We are all pretty beat after the late nights and getting up early.  So for the next day or two we are going to try and take it somewhat easy.   Towards the middle of the week we have a few things going on again so a short rest tomorrow will be good. 
Going to try and finish up a couple of things before the month is over... I know not much time.  So I'll let you know how I do.  
Have a Blessed evening - 

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