Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

This month as been a lot of gathering with friends and family to have lunches or pot lucks - a month of celebration.  My friends that I sew with usually get together a couple times a month for lunch but there's been more celebration due to Christmas. Here is my lunch with my Sister Randi, my friend Cheryl and our friends from Henderson/Boulder NV.  Cheryl and Patti (Pam in background)

  Above is Alice, Patti's Mom and Pam - Below is Terri
 And here is Sis - Randi and I.
 Here Sis and I are with Santa - outside the cottage where we sew on Friday's and One Saturday a month.

And here is the Saturday sew bunch.  That's Randi waving.

 That's Jean in he Gingerbread leggings.  :)
Christmas to me is so much.  It's first and foremost my Saviors Birthday.  It's the real reason for this holiday and I don't take that lightly - or I try not to.  I almost feel more thankful now as I reflect on His blessings in my life than I do or did at Thanksgiving. Christmas is also the wonder and excitement of Children wishing and hoping for this and that.  It's a wonderful feeling to have children and or grandchildren that you are fortunate enough to be able to give them gifts and watch the excitement as they tear into the wrapping to see what it is.  
I'm missing my parents a lot this year.  My Step Mom passed a few months ago and with my Mom and Dad already gone... that just made it more final somehow. I'm missing her as well, but feel the weight of how my step brother feels with his first Christmas with out his Mom.  I'm missing my kids and grand kids too. Thankfully we have technology where we can video chat which makes them not seem as far away. I'm sure it's hard on Military families that can't be with their loved ones. 
And though I miss the ones that I can't be with us this Christmas, I am blessed to share it with my husband and Sister and some good friends. Tonight I will go have dinner with some of hubby's golf friends.  One of the golfers cooks the whole dinner and invited us over. My Sister and Brother in law will be there also, along with my friend Cheryl and her husband. We are blessed to have so many good friends. 
Where ever you are and whether you are around your family or friends - I pray you are blessed.  May your heart and home be warm, may you have good health and plenty to eat. 
God Bless and Merry Christmas!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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