Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Quilting Queens Retreat

Since getting my new part time job, I wasn't sure how many if any retreats I would be able to go to.  So far it has lined up just right for me to go to all of them.  I cancelled one - and then I ended up getting the days off so called and she had an opening - wow.  Anyway - this last one I had Friday off and then had to go to work Saturday afternoon and Sunday at 11:30 but everyone leaves early on Sunday anyway :). My Sister joined me on this one this year since we cancelled the other one. It was her first time in the big room.  Here is my friend Gloria..
Bottom left in yellow - Cheryl, top is Jean, in pink is Susie H. and Sis is bent down in the bottom right.  

Above is Jeans back and my Sis - Randi sewing. 

That's our friend Liz from California standing. 
First I worked on this charm square quilt.  But I didn't have border fabric so stopped... I auditioned these after I got home. 
Then I made this reusable shopping bag for my daughter in law. 
After that I made a couple of pillow cases.  
On one of my trips to the ladies room I noticed how hard it was raining...

As you can see - no one was interested in swimming right then.  :)
I had to work that afternoon, luckily it stopped so I could walk into work and then let loose again.  I could hear the thunder inside the store and heard it even hailed.  
Anyway it was a fun retreat - happy I got to go and I have another the beginning of March. 
Have a blessed day!  Lynn 

Monday, February 24, 2020

February OMG Finish

Hello - been a little bit since I posted again.  However I have a goal that was met.  Yahoo!  I wanted to get some more completed on the Wool Spring Crazy Mat from Primitive Gatherings that I've been working on. I wanted to finish all the embroidery in each section.  
Here are the flower stems and centers - 

The bee, hive and stems

Kite Tail - 
Chicken leggies -
Then after that was done, I wanted to get 4 seams of crazy stitches done. 
1. The flowers next to the house.
2. X and O under spring.

3. I have no Idea what this is called but it's X's with loops and french knots.  :)
4. Green Fly Stitch
As par for me I wasn't sure I was going to make my goal... but nothing like a goal to spur me on.  LOL.   Now I'm going to link this up to One Monthly Goals over at Elm Street Quilts
February OMG Finish  link-up is open!
I think I'll go get a little more stitching done and maybe I'll be able to finish this soon.  
Happy Monday!
Blessings,  Lynn 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Baby Bugs

For some reason I thought I posted what I had done at the retreat a couple weeks ago, but I guess not.  So here we go... I worked on getting all the setting blocks and flying geese done for the embroidery quilt "Over the River and through the woods".  Then I put together this baby quilt to donate to the guild to sell in the boutique at our quilt show.  I got it pinned on the 2nd... 
 Then on the 5th I was on fire. 
I got it quilted and bound.   
Here's a couple close ups of my meandering.  

The VW Bugs were giving to us at the quilt guild to make something for the boutique.  This was nice and easy. 
Then I got my labels ready for the 3 quilts I'm putting in the show.  
Then I did "D" and "E" of my inchies. 

Good thing, because I haven't really done much since.  My Sister came over on Sunday and we got a few more inchies done.  Trying to get in routines now that I'm working again.  It will happen...
Have a blessed evening.  

Thursday, February 6, 2020

February OMG

Better late that not at all right?  I need to get my One Monthly Goal picked and posted so I can link up and get busy on it.  
I want to continue with my Wool Table mats I've been working on for my friend Cheryl. Right now I'm working on "Spring"
Here's where I'm at right now.  

What I want to get done this month is to finish all the regular embroidery in each section.  Like the vines on flowers and tail on kite.  From here to here...
Then I want to get the crazy stitches on the seams (Like I did the vine around the center section) for a minimum of 4 seams.  There are 10 total more would be great but my goal will be 4.  
Here's the pattern picture.
Okay now I want to get this linked up to One Monthly Goal over at
Have a Great day!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

February Here - Recap of January

January is a blur and February has already been busy - but doing good.  I need to back up a little to finish out January. At the end of January, I co-hosted the B.A.D. Quilting retreat and much of my month was either finalizing preparations for it or looking for work.  Well the retreat went off very nicely.  
We had a new layout this month, and most everyone liked it.  We did a little survey to see how everyone liked the raffles, layout and food, and all but 2 or 3 liked what we did. 
Here's the quilted signs Cheryl made and I put binding on. 

Here are the raffle baskets! (I won the #1 basket)
 Susie H. is my friend that is always dropping stuff on my doorstep and saying it's a drive by... Well she loved this mug I made so that night I left it on her sewing machine and called it a drive by.  
This is Glenda and what she was working on. 
Below is Sandi's Quilt she worked on. Lots of hst. 
A bunch of us had dinner together the last night.  

 Of course my Sister and I do pillow gifts each night.  On the last night she gave me the wind chime on the left that she got for me in Hawaii.  :)
The retreat ended on Thursday the 30th and I ended up having an interview that afternoon.  Spoiler alert I didn't get that job but after another interview somewhere else I do have a job - more on that later.  
That's if for now.  I will make a couple more posts to catch you up on the start of February and my One Monthly Goal. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Falcons Win

A shout out to my nephew Ethan and the Fox Creek Falcons.  They won the basket ball championship again this year. 

They crushed their first game 34 to 17.  
the second game they had to work for it - but won. And the last one they really had to work for it.  I think they were tired and it was a play off between the two teams that had gotten that far.  It was a nail biter.  At 42.6 seconds in the 4th quarter we were tied.
At 27.1 seconds, we scored a free throw point and were up by one. 
And at 1.4 seconds with both teams calling time outs back to back... we are still up one point, the other team gets the ball and the far end of the court...
They throw the ball down the court, John catches it and throws to Ethan, and he held until the buzzer sounded.  
Victory!!  I always feel bad for the team that doesn't win - but happy and proud of my nephew's team.  They worked hard.  It was a great way to spend a Saturday!
Have a great day - 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...