Here are the flower stems and centers -
The bee, hive and stems
Kite Tail -
Chicken leggies -
Then after that was done, I wanted to get 4 seams of crazy stitches done.
1. The flowers next to the house.
2. X and O under spring.
3. I have no Idea what this is called but it's X's with loops and french knots. :)
4. Green Fly Stitch
As par for me I wasn't sure I was going to make my goal... but nothing like a goal to spur me on. LOL. Now I'm going to link this up to One Monthly Goals over at Elm Street Quilts.

I think I'll go get a little more stitching done and maybe I'll be able to finish this soon.
Happy Monday!
Blessings, Lynn
Very lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.