Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Quilting Queens Retreat

Since getting my new part time job, I wasn't sure how many if any retreats I would be able to go to.  So far it has lined up just right for me to go to all of them.  I cancelled one - and then I ended up getting the days off so called and she had an opening - wow.  Anyway - this last one I had Friday off and then had to go to work Saturday afternoon and Sunday at 11:30 but everyone leaves early on Sunday anyway :). My Sister joined me on this one this year since we cancelled the other one. It was her first time in the big room.  Here is my friend Gloria..
Bottom left in yellow - Cheryl, top is Jean, in pink is Susie H. and Sis is bent down in the bottom right.  

Above is Jeans back and my Sis - Randi sewing. 

That's our friend Liz from California standing. 
First I worked on this charm square quilt.  But I didn't have border fabric so stopped... I auditioned these after I got home. 
Then I made this reusable shopping bag for my daughter in law. 
After that I made a couple of pillow cases.  
On one of my trips to the ladies room I noticed how hard it was raining...

As you can see - no one was interested in swimming right then.  :)
I had to work that afternoon, luckily it stopped so I could walk into work and then let loose again.  I could hear the thunder inside the store and heard it even hailed.  
Anyway it was a fun retreat - happy I got to go and I have another the beginning of March. 
Have a blessed day!  Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...