Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Nine Patch Nirvana

When my husband and I first started hanging out, he liked to listen to a band by the name of Nirvana.  I had never heard of them but the music grew on me, at least some of the songs because of course it was what my honey liked, so I liked it.   Well fast forward several years, and you can see why a quilt by the name of "Nine Patch Nirvana" would be the one I wanted to make for us.  I originally found the pattern on a site called Block Central. But like quilters often do I had to make it bigger and add blocks. 

 I've shown this quilt several times over the last few years, most recently in my Grow Your Blog post, where I also shared that our oldest daughter fell in love with it and wanted it for herself.  Yep she got it. *smile* 

Today I am linking up to Tuesday's Archives
Val's Quilting Studio

Thanks for stopping by - please leave a comment and then head over to Val's place and check out some of the other quilters projects. 


  1. Nirvana was a great band and this is a great quilt!

  2. Lol! Love Tanya's comment!! Thanks for sharing this one among all our nine patches at Tuesday ARchives this week Lynn. (Black, red and white together is one of my favorite color combinations!!)

  3. People forget that nine patches can mean a nine square grid for making a pattern. Yours are great nine-patches. Lucky daughter.

  4. People forget that nine patches can mean a nine square grid for making a pattern. Yours are great nine-patches. Lucky daughter.

  5. People forget that nine patches can mean a nine square grid for making a pattern. Yours are great nine-patches. Lucky daughter.

  6. What a great name for a quilt. It's beautifully done. Love the color scheme.


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...