Monday, August 24, 2015

August Retreat 2015

Quilting Queens of Laughlin 

For this retreat we were called the Quilting Queens.  :)   And quilting we did.  I did not make the progress I was hoping to - I think I was in denial of how long this one project was going to take me, but more on that later.
For this retreat as apposed to the retreat I went to in February, we were in a bigger room.  This room is the main Pavillon at the Tropicana Casino in Laughlin NV.  I've been to a couple of concerts here so that was kinda fun to see it in a different setting.

Here's a couple of pictures from Friday morning while everyone was setting up.

My station in this one here with the red pillow on the chair.  I'm so glad I brought it the chairs were a little low and even though the pillow was small, it helped a lot.  
Included in our retreat package was, Dinner on Friday, breakfast and dinner for Saturday and then Breakfast for Sunday.  I didn't take a picture of my plate at the breakfasts but here is Friday's dinner.  I'm sure this is someone else's plate - I would never eat that much.   ahem... clearing of the throat.  wink wink. 
Chicken, roast beef, salad, steamed veggies, mashed potatoes and gravy, and rolls with butter. 
There was also chocolate fudge cake for desert - yes I split a piece with my friend Judy.  
We did go back and sewed for a little while after dinner but not long.  I think all the prep for getting there and then setting up tired us out so we stopped sewing at around 7pm and went to our room.  
Nice and clean and comfortable.  
Judy and I had a great time together talking for a couple of hours like two school girls until finally we were like we need to stop and get some rest.  So at 9 pm we stopped talking and with in 10 seconds I think we were both out. We got up at 5:30 the next morning cleaned up and went down for the morning buffet that started at 7am.

I didn't get a picture of my plate but here's a picture of the wonderful fruit they had for us.  There was so much to choose from, oatmeal, cheese omelets, beans, eggs and chorizo, Fritata's, bacon, sausage, bagels, muffins, breakfast pizza, I don't know what all.  
I spent most of my day on Friday making strip sets to be used as sashing for the 12 blocks I had already completed. They also were being cut into smaller sections to be made into four patch corner stones around each block.  
Here is what I got completed Friday and finished up Saturday morning.  
It's a little hard to see in this picture so you'll have to click on it to enlarge, but the sashing is two colors.  A pink checked and the green. 
At 11 am on Saturday we broke and went downstairs to have lunch with my husband and his brother.  Frank whom  has been visiting for the last month. He was heading out on Sunday before I got  home so it was our farewell.  Four of my friends joined us so it was a very nice lunch. I met a new lady at my table her name is Barbara and was sitting next to my other friend Barbara and they both have the last initial of Z.  So they were the B.Z's. sitting next to each other for the retreat.  She is a friend of Melinda's that is part of our guild and will be joining the guild this year.  It was fun getting to know her.  So she and Melinda came with my Barbara Z. and my roomie for the weekend Judy.   

Then back upstairs to get at the sewing again.  
I brought 5 projects to work on, in case I was super speedy or if I got at a point and got stuck or if I was just bored with one and wanted to move on.  My hope was that after I got this top done - the next project I wanted to work on is this one. 
I have about 9 of the 12 blocks fused on their back grounds and probably 5 of those top stitched. So I was planning on top stitching them and and making some more blocks.  Nope that's didn't happen. 

So at around 4:30-5pm we broke for dinner, they had a taco bar for us.  Tortilla's, hard shells, two kinds of meat, rice, beans, salsa's cheese, sour cream, guacamole, you name it.  And yes again the chocolate fudge cake, however this time I didn't have any.  

Shortly after dinner Judy said she wanted to go play a few nickels and then go up to bed.  Her eyes were bugging her and she was tired.  I told her I would be quiet when I came up.  :)  So I kept working on the friendship stars.   I worked until 9 pm sewing and trimming 160  half square triangles. I got them all sewn and trimmed, whew. And made two of the friendship stars before I finally stopped.  I thought I better head up or wouldn't be worth anything on Sunday if I didn't.  
So I get upstairs and the TV was on a movie I really like so I watched some TV and munched on some corn nuts and then went to sleep.  

Sunday - Sunday (cue the music to Monday Monday....) - Off to the buffet again and then up to the sewing room.  We had until 2pm - again I had visions of grandeur of getting the top done. 

Cue the doom and gloom music - dunt dunt daaaaaaa

 Unfortunately - the top still looks like it does above.   Try as I might I just couldn't  get it done.  
I did however get 33 of the 40 friendship stars done - so I am really hoping that at tomorrows open sew at the shop I finish the remaining starts and then will finally have the top done.  

As for my other projects I wanted to get done.  Well they may end up on my goal list for one of the upcoming months.  But may be down the line a few months.  I already have some heavy goals for September and October so not sure they will get in there and then November we have a lot of family things going on, Our Son is getting married in Vegas the first part of the month. My Sister is coming to visit for a week the middle of the month. And our oldest Daughter and son in law, and grandaughter and great grand babies are going to try and make it at the end of the month for Thanksgiving.  So these other sewing projects may get pushed out a ways. 

Well I've spent long enough on this post  - hope you all have a wonderful day!  

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