Friday, October 30, 2015

Toot -Toot

I'm sure every one of my posts could be considered "Tooting my own horn" because that's what I'm blogging about is my accomplishments.  I don't always get comments to my posts, so not sure who all is reading - but this is a place to record what I'm doing and working on, what's done, what's not, just a reflection of my creativity.  Creativity has all different levels and avenues.  I haven't always thought of myself as being creative, but in reality I've been creative for a very long time, but it progressed to a new level when I was able to create a small art quilt wall hanging and publish it into a pattern through our local quilt shop.  :)  Pretty happy about that.

This started when I was asked to teach a class using wool or wool felt at one of the local guilds.  So that in it's self was a whoot whoot for me - but then I created this pattern and made it up in wool felt and the local shop owner published the pattern and made it up into kits for me.  

I taught the class on Tuesday night to 13 people from the guild and got all positive feed back, on both, the project and how I taught the class.  Whew.  That is super good news because I have been nominated as the next V.P./Project coordinator for that guild.  Voting will be at the next business meeting.  It would have been pretty uncomfortable if I got elected and they didn't like my projects or teaching style.  :) 

I won't have to teach every class - but will have to find people and project to be taught once a month at our guild workshops.  It's a little nerve wracking, but exciting to think of the possibilities and opportunities that may spring from this.  

The pattern and or a kit to the snowman wall hanging will be available soon thru the quilt shop.  I don't know if they will have it listed on their website so if anyone wants either, let me know and I will get it for you.  

This week I've been helping them at the shop, they are getting read to do two shows.  Art Quilt Tahoe and the Lake Havasu Quilt show - back to back.  So they have been packing up 2/3 - 3/4 of the store to take to the respective shows.  I will be opening the store for them next week while they are gone, however won't have much left to sell - ha ha.  But at least someone will be there and they won't have to close the store for a week.  

Needless to say - not much sewing has been going on.  I worked a little on a doll bag that was a special order on last Tuesday and I'll try to finish it up this morning before we go back to the shop to help them today.   I'll let you know how that goes.  Hubby is going today to help with some of the heavy stuff. 

Have a super Blessed Day!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bombs and Stripes

First bit of news: The craft fair!
I got everything done except the binding on the large quilt, but no biggie, I'll stitch that while I'm sitting at my table.  Here are the completed place-mats. I did a little more quilting than necessary on them, but I think I have that bug where once you start you just see more and more opportunity to add detail.

Here's how my table looked all set up and ready for the crowds.

Here's the end that faced the door way -

The Craft Fair was on Friday and it has come and gone and it was A Bomb - emphasis on "A"  as opposed to being THE Bomb.  I struck out big time.  I only sold one item.  Oh well that's how it goes sometimes.  I originally was making this stuff for the February 2016 quilt show so now I'm ahead of schedule.  I was asked to another craft fair that would be Dec 4-6 - but I haven't made up my mind yet if I want to go or not.  At least I wouldn't have to crunch to get things done.  However I would consider making some sport team travel bags since that was the only one item I sold.  Jury is still out on that one.  LOL  :).

Okay now that that is all over, I want to share with you what I did yesterday.  :)  It  was Art Quilt Sewcial day at the local quilt shop Fabrics Unlimited .  This is a monthly group where we get together and create Art Quilts.  Sheri the shop owner had a special project that she wanted done for the shop yesterday and this is what we did:

Fusible applique.  There were only 3 of us so we each took a section.  Mine is the middle piece on each zebra.  Because mine section took longer Cheryl did the placement of one of them for me after finishing her nose sections.  Sheri the owner will now put these together and do some quilting detail on them,  I'm excited to see how she finishes them.

We had so much fun and it was a much needed day of no agenda, no pressure and no deadlines.

Today - we have already had breakfast, taken our walk and had a salad for lunch.

I have an order for a certain color of baby in a bag so I'll work on that once I get in my sewing room, I just can't decide if  I want to take a quick little nap before I go in there.

I'll let you know what I decided later.
Have a Blessed day

Monday, October 19, 2015

Bag Lady

The last couple of months have been all about "Bags"  and it is funny, because we used to tease my Mom about being the "Bag Lady".  this was because she was the original maker of these Dolls in a Bag and the little gift bags that I'm doing now.  She also made her own tote bags out of canvas and then painted scenes on them.  So now my Sister is having a good time teasing me about being "Just like Mom"  and the "Bag Lady".

Here is one of the lined Gift Bags.

I have 17 Christmas / Winter themed bags that are completed, with strings and bows.

Next I want to complete 15-20  in other various fabrics.  It took me about 7 hours to make the 17 start to finish so I'm hoping I can do the other 15 and get them done today.

Here are the purses I've made for the craft fair.  In the last post I showed the lay out of all the colors I'd put together.  This what they look like completed - with zipper and  a little pocket on the front.  :) 

Yesterday I didn't get much sew time only about an hour and half, but I cut out a panel to make into winter place mats.  I got the borders on  four of them sandwiched them and just started quilting them when I needed to go get groceries and start dinner.  

After dinner I worked a little (very little) on the binding for a quilt that I'm taking to sell at the craft fair. I'm hoping I can finish that up in the next few days along with the binding on the place mats.  I seem to be getting so sleepy in the evenings.

Okay well, I need to go get ready for our walk - yesterday it rained on us, but when it's almost 80 degrees and it's raining on you it's okay.  :)  We have been having thunderstorms the last few days and I love them.   There seems to me more lightening than thunder, but I still love it.  The sky was jet black and then would light up.  We didn't always see the jag of the lightening strike but it lit up everything.  

Well I better get ready - hoping that once we get home we can do breakfast and then I can get onto finishing up the place mats and onto the non-Christmas gift bags. 

Hope your day is fun and full of stitches.  

Monday, October 12, 2015

Days of my Life

Yep it's true more days have flown by.  How does it do that?   Let's see, I blogged last Wednesday nigt so I'll start with Thursday.  We got up and did our walk.  Hubby and I are enjoying the fact that it has cooled just a little and we are able to do our morning walks again on the day's I don't leave the house.  So on Thursday we did our walk, I came home and made breakfast and a chef salad for him as I was having lunch with the girls and playing cards for the afternoon.  I won, we wager 50 cents each and with four of us playing I won $1.50.  :)   
Friday I went to the sewing cottage.  Not a lot of people there but it was fun.  I made 2 more out fits for the babies and sold 2 more of the bags.  I also got a call from the Senior center that I was definitely in and also was inside for the craft fair.   Yay!!!   But now the real pressure is on because I have two weeks to get anything and everything I really want to sell done.  Yikes!!! 
Saturday - we went for our walk after waking up.  I didn't sleep real well too much on my mind - planning the craft fair.   So after the walk I dug into finishing stuff.  Ta Da.... I have the last of the Doll Bags completed with these two.  This will give me 10 to sell. 

 I do have one to make that was ordered on Friday.  She bought one I have - this one - 
and then ordered one in a different color, orange.  

After I had finished all the little clothes and the two bags, it was time for dinner.  So after dinner I tried to put a little wool felt ornament together and this is what I came up with.  I like it but it might be a little small.  
I'm working on a some larger ones.  

Yesterday - Sunday -  We did our walk, and then I did some house cleaning chores. 

I wanted to work on the orange bag for the one I had sold, but couldn't choose which one I wanted to use - so I moved on.  I did a sample purse to check if what I wanted to do was going to work with my 7" zippers.  It did.  

I have the straps tied in a knot at the top.  I wanted to put a little pocket on the front but needed to do that before getting it all assembled and wasn't going to take apart to do so.   
So I spent the rest of the afternoon coordinating fabrics to the rest of my zippers - and cutting everything out.  That and cleaning up.  I had so much fabric out and all over from all the projects I've been doing it was getting on my nerves.  So I put everything away that was stacked all over my cutting and sewing tables, dusted the tables, and swept the floor, 

By the time I got that all done it was after dinner time so we hopped in the car and got a low carb burger from Carl's Jr. and a side salad.  
When we got home I cut out another ornament to work on but didn't finish it.  Hubby put on a movie and I got into it and decided to just relax for the rest of the evening.  

Today after our walk,  I need to go pay for my Craft Fair Table and possibly pick up a few crafty items to complete some other things I'm selling.  Also in the next couple of days, I need to pick up supplies for the CRQ guild meeting and either bake some dessert or buy some.  Since Hubby and I are doing a low carb thing right now I'm thinking buying some would be better so we are not being temped by the smells. 
Hope you have a Blessed Day!  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Babies Galore

I've made progress  - Yay!!  It's been almost a week since I last posted, but I have lots of pictures does that count?   I have been working on finishing up sets of the doll bags and as of today I have 8 completed sets.  I also made a couple of table runners and a set of Pillow cases and don't forget Mystery Monday.

Okay enough reading -  The baby dolls want to show off.   Each set gets a bag, a baby doll, a pillow with a pillow case (some have 2), a blanket and a quilt, a nightie, and 1 or 2 outfits.  And the bald babies get bonnets to match their outfits and some get bonnets even if they have hair.  

Here's one of the two table runners I made.  The other is lime green and black stripes. 

And last but not least  - Mystery Monday was a collapsible trash can.  I want to make more for gifts but here's the one we made in class.  

Oh ya and the pillow cases - I almost forgot.  It's hard to see the color and I took a couple of pictures. It's white with a lavender dot, then purple with swirls, and the cuff is white with purple flowers. I whipped up them up this afternoon. 

Okay that's about it for now.  I sewed together some muslin to make more little pillows.  I think I'll stuff them with poly-fil while I watch TV tonight.  It's already after 9 so not sure how many I'll get done but I'll start. 
Hope you have a Blessed day.  

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Day 1 Double Yeah

Hey it's day #1 of the new month, I got a goal completed already - Yeah!  

Happy October!  

And as a bonus I am blogging about it.   Double Yeah!  

I had fun this morning at the CRQ guild workshop. We could make a bag/purse or work on our own thing and that's what I wanted to do.  Well the other guild SNR had a workshop that was a pumpkin table runner.  And since my husband teases me so much about having all this talent and all I do is make table runners - I decided I was going to make a wall hanging out of it.  I had an idea of how I wanted to change it up by putting applique on it. 
So today I put the pumpkins on the background, put on the additional applique, added the borders and then top stitched it all.  Top complete.  I will ad more detail with the quilting.

Now all I need to do is quilt and bind.  According to the goal list I said only the top - but hey being ahead of the game is fine with me.  

Have a Blessed day!  

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...