Monday, October 19, 2015

Bag Lady

The last couple of months have been all about "Bags"  and it is funny, because we used to tease my Mom about being the "Bag Lady".  this was because she was the original maker of these Dolls in a Bag and the little gift bags that I'm doing now.  She also made her own tote bags out of canvas and then painted scenes on them.  So now my Sister is having a good time teasing me about being "Just like Mom"  and the "Bag Lady".

Here is one of the lined Gift Bags.

I have 17 Christmas / Winter themed bags that are completed, with strings and bows.

Next I want to complete 15-20  in other various fabrics.  It took me about 7 hours to make the 17 start to finish so I'm hoping I can do the other 15 and get them done today.

Here are the purses I've made for the craft fair.  In the last post I showed the lay out of all the colors I'd put together.  This what they look like completed - with zipper and  a little pocket on the front.  :) 

Yesterday I didn't get much sew time only about an hour and half, but I cut out a panel to make into winter place mats.  I got the borders on  four of them sandwiched them and just started quilting them when I needed to go get groceries and start dinner.  

After dinner I worked a little (very little) on the binding for a quilt that I'm taking to sell at the craft fair. I'm hoping I can finish that up in the next few days along with the binding on the place mats.  I seem to be getting so sleepy in the evenings.

Okay well, I need to go get ready for our walk - yesterday it rained on us, but when it's almost 80 degrees and it's raining on you it's okay.  :)  We have been having thunderstorms the last few days and I love them.   There seems to me more lightening than thunder, but I still love it.  The sky was jet black and then would light up.  We didn't always see the jag of the lightening strike but it lit up everything.  

Well I better get ready - hoping that once we get home we can do breakfast and then I can get onto finishing up the place mats and onto the non-Christmas gift bags. 

Hope your day is fun and full of stitches.  

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