Friday, October 30, 2015

Toot -Toot

I'm sure every one of my posts could be considered "Tooting my own horn" because that's what I'm blogging about is my accomplishments.  I don't always get comments to my posts, so not sure who all is reading - but this is a place to record what I'm doing and working on, what's done, what's not, just a reflection of my creativity.  Creativity has all different levels and avenues.  I haven't always thought of myself as being creative, but in reality I've been creative for a very long time, but it progressed to a new level when I was able to create a small art quilt wall hanging and publish it into a pattern through our local quilt shop.  :)  Pretty happy about that.

This started when I was asked to teach a class using wool or wool felt at one of the local guilds.  So that in it's self was a whoot whoot for me - but then I created this pattern and made it up in wool felt and the local shop owner published the pattern and made it up into kits for me.  

I taught the class on Tuesday night to 13 people from the guild and got all positive feed back, on both, the project and how I taught the class.  Whew.  That is super good news because I have been nominated as the next V.P./Project coordinator for that guild.  Voting will be at the next business meeting.  It would have been pretty uncomfortable if I got elected and they didn't like my projects or teaching style.  :) 

I won't have to teach every class - but will have to find people and project to be taught once a month at our guild workshops.  It's a little nerve wracking, but exciting to think of the possibilities and opportunities that may spring from this.  

The pattern and or a kit to the snowman wall hanging will be available soon thru the quilt shop.  I don't know if they will have it listed on their website so if anyone wants either, let me know and I will get it for you.  

This week I've been helping them at the shop, they are getting read to do two shows.  Art Quilt Tahoe and the Lake Havasu Quilt show - back to back.  So they have been packing up 2/3 - 3/4 of the store to take to the respective shows.  I will be opening the store for them next week while they are gone, however won't have much left to sell - ha ha.  But at least someone will be there and they won't have to close the store for a week.  

Needless to say - not much sewing has been going on.  I worked a little on a doll bag that was a special order on last Tuesday and I'll try to finish it up this morning before we go back to the shop to help them today.   I'll let you know how that goes.  Hubby is going today to help with some of the heavy stuff. 

Have a super Blessed Day!

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