Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bombs and Stripes

First bit of news: The craft fair!
I got everything done except the binding on the large quilt, but no biggie, I'll stitch that while I'm sitting at my table.  Here are the completed place-mats. I did a little more quilting than necessary on them, but I think I have that bug where once you start you just see more and more opportunity to add detail.

Here's how my table looked all set up and ready for the crowds.

Here's the end that faced the door way -

The Craft Fair was on Friday and it has come and gone and it was A Bomb - emphasis on "A"  as opposed to being THE Bomb.  I struck out big time.  I only sold one item.  Oh well that's how it goes sometimes.  I originally was making this stuff for the February 2016 quilt show so now I'm ahead of schedule.  I was asked to another craft fair that would be Dec 4-6 - but I haven't made up my mind yet if I want to go or not.  At least I wouldn't have to crunch to get things done.  However I would consider making some sport team travel bags since that was the only one item I sold.  Jury is still out on that one.  LOL  :).

Okay now that that is all over, I want to share with you what I did yesterday.  :)  It  was Art Quilt Sewcial day at the local quilt shop Fabrics Unlimited .  This is a monthly group where we get together and create Art Quilts.  Sheri the shop owner had a special project that she wanted done for the shop yesterday and this is what we did:

Fusible applique.  There were only 3 of us so we each took a section.  Mine is the middle piece on each zebra.  Because mine section took longer Cheryl did the placement of one of them for me after finishing her nose sections.  Sheri the owner will now put these together and do some quilting detail on them,  I'm excited to see how she finishes them.

We had so much fun and it was a much needed day of no agenda, no pressure and no deadlines.

Today - we have already had breakfast, taken our walk and had a salad for lunch.

I have an order for a certain color of baby in a bag so I'll work on that once I get in my sewing room, I just can't decide if  I want to take a quick little nap before I go in there.

I'll let you know what I decided later.
Have a Blessed day

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