Thursday, March 31, 2016

Marching into April

The first week of this month seem to so slow and I had lots of time to do whatever and then WOW the month is done.  I've been so busy all month, not all of it sewing but lets see how I did on my goals.

1.  Scavenger Block - the three items were Mittens, Black Bird and Golf Tee.   Here's what I came up with.  Goal Met

2. UFO Buster - APQ  picked #3 and on my list this year that meant "Henrietta Whiskers"   Goal Met.

 I actually got a lot done on this - not as much as I wanted but pleased with what I did. This block was started but still needed to be top stitched and have he sign above attached, so I completed that. 

This is block 4 (above)  I sewed it together and put the applique on it.  
 I also got block 5 sewn together and got the applique pieces prepped. 
And the 6th Block is prepped and ready to go. 

3.  Gifts - Continue on with gift making.      Goal Met
I made the sewing mat for my friend Ronni - It just needs the hand sewing of the binding.  

I made a calendar holder and a scrap bag for someone - I don't think she reads my blog and if she does she'll know it's for her but I'll leave her name out.  

I also made a couple of golf towels that have grommets and and ring holder - which ended up going to my honey which is okay because it was his birthday this month.  :)

4. Quilt something - Well...... I  quilted the Sea Horse wall hanging, I quilted the calendar holder and I did quilt the sewing mat.  And I'll just say right now that cross hatching with a walking foot is so much easier.   And  I quilted - or finished quilting the Poinsettia Table Topper.  Goal Met

5.  Finish the Buttermilk Basin "E" Block and Prep the "T" Block -  Goal Met

6.  Something came up - New unplanned Want to or Need to.  - Well I actually had a lot of these this month.      Jan Patek Pattern?  Sally the Seahorse?  Golf Towels?    All of these fit into other categories so I guess I'll pick the Scissor Fobs.  It was a spontaneous thing I wanted to try and then ended up making several.  I've already given 2 away and 2 more friends that want one, so they fit into the gift category - but for now it was my "Unplanned Want To".   Goal Met

7.  Cooking and Prep for while I'm gone -   Goal Met. 

Meatloaf and Au gratin 

Chicken Pot Pie - Part for CRQ business meeting and one serving for Hubby.

Chili/Salsa for my BIL

Turkey Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

Pinto Beans. 
 There are also packages of Chicken breasts and veggies, Spaghetti, breakfast burritos, Kielbasa  w/ rice n beans.  The freezer is ready. 

8.  SNR guild workshop - Hand Quilting -  I had a little panel that I'm going to hand quilt and then give to charity.  Here is the panel and a close up.    Goal Met
Close up can you see what I've quilted? 

9.   CRQ - Cut and fold wreath.  Goal Met

10.   New Unplanned -  Goal Met On the 1st Saturday of the month we have a class called Strip club. Sheri at the quilt shop makes a new quilt  with strips and then shows us how to do it.  Well with the passing of her Mom - she was not in any shape to be doing that so some of us that get together went to a friends house and we painted on fabric using the technique we learned when we did the dragonflies last spring.  Here is what I did - Sally the Seahorse.  You can read more about that day here.

11.  Retreat -  Goal met - not that there was any real goal set up but I got a lot accomplished so I'm saying I passed.  Here's the whole retreat post. 
I wasn't sure what I was going to take - but this is what I came up with: 
Sewing mat for Ronni: 

Calendar holder: 

A couple of blocks from Snowman Collector: 

Paper pieced block from SNR:
Extra project just because:

I noticed later that I put this together in an X instead of a star - but I'm going to keep it that way.  
 And Instead of doing the applique with the cotton I'm using wool.  I have the pieces traced and the fusible on them - I just need to cut out and fuse on background.

The Bears:   This is huge - YAY!!!!!  Next time I work on this I'll be placing on the background and figuring out the spacing and how many Aspen trees I want to put in and around them.  The two bears will be covering the full top of the bed and then there will be other woodsy animals around it.  

12.  Blogging - Blog min of 8 times.   - Goal Met


I will be gone for the first 10 days of the month so on the 11th I'll be scrambling to figure out where I'm at LOL.  I will still have 2/3 of a month left, so I'm sure I can get a few things done.   

1.  Scavenger Block - Tree - Purple and Frog 
2. Buttermilk Basin's  "T" Block done and Prep "I" Block
3. SNR Workshop on the 16th - Paint Box with Bettye Shepperd. I'll say at least 1/2 done. 

4. Gifts - Continue on with gift making. Dish Towels, Scissor Fobs, Scrap Bags, Pin Cushions.   I'll keep you posted. 

5.  UFO Buster - APQ Random number ______??   Will post when picked.

6. Work on quilting something- again I'm thinking Bee Hive Baby.  Finishing is a bonus - I just want to at least get going on it.  

7.  Primitive Gardens BOM.  
I bought this BOM and the kits a few years ago and started it. It has a cotton background and wool applique. Then like the rest of the UFO's it has sat in it's little box waiting.   Well I have a friend that wants to work on it with me on Friday's - so hopefully the buddy system will help me to make progress on this each month. 
Here is what I've started so I can note my progress:  
These 4 blocks are all fused. The hoe block is all done. The birds on the wire are 1/2 stitched, the geranium block is 3/4 stitched,  and the bird house block is only fused, no stitching.  

8. Blog 4 - 8 times.  

9. Travel project.  I will be in the airport for a couple hours and on the plane for a couple - I need some hand stitching to do.  Not a big goal here - its just for fun - so just make some progress.    
I'll be taking:
These dish towels to top stitch.
The T Block to top stitch

This little embroidery. 

And just to make double sure I have enough stitching (I have more than enough)  I am taking my Gardener's Journal book  by Anni Downs.  

And I prepped 6 more blocks to stitch.  

10. Unplanned - Want to.  Since I'll be on vacation - who knows what else I'll come up with to do.  :) 

Well I think that's long enough and I'll keep you posted how I'm doing.  Hope you have a Blessed month with lots of fun stitching.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Cut N Fold Wreath and Quilting

Thursday was a workshop for the CRQ guild, and we made cut n fold wreaths.  If you google it you will see tons of pictures on the internet.  I tried to link up to a page with pictures - not so easy.  :)

Here is one of the pictures of one that comes up when you google it.

So On Thursday I was able to do my cutting out,  Fuse my heavy batting to the backing.  

Sew around all my squares. and then turn them right side out thru this X - hence why you need an applique square.

After turning and pressing you fuse the applique piece and top stitch around each applique piece.   

That's as far as got on Thursday - Yesterday - we drove around and had fun sightseeing.   We drove to a place called cottonwood cove which is the Nevada side of Lake Mohave. 
It was a beautiful day for a drive.  

 On the ride there above, and a couple views of the lake to the right and below.

Hubby and I - isn't he handsome?  
This is hubby and his brother Frank.

Today I was able to work on the wreath again. 
Next you have to mark the angled sewing line on the squares - and sew the blocks together.  

After they are all sewn together you need to fold over the flap and sew the tips together - and add decoration if you choose. 

And Voila it is done.  :)  

After I finished that I still had a little time so I grabbed the poinsettia table topper that is 1/2 quilted and thought I would try to finish it up.  Here's where I started.  I had the majority of the inside quilted just needed the two borders and corners done. 

And I was able to finish the quilting, I continued the swirls in the small border, did a little curly in the corners and then did leaves in the bigger border. Then I was able to get the binding attached.  Now I just need to finish the hand stitching of the binding.   And with that I was done sewing for the day.  

We had dinner and then Hubby and I took a drive to the park and walked down to the boat dock to see how the fishing was doing?  No one was fishing today.  

Well that's all for now - Have a Blessed evening!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...