Thursday, April 14, 2016

Kation April 16

Well if you have been reading my blog for any time - you know that my grandkids started the whole Kation thing.  They were little and couldn't say Vacation.  And so the tradition has gone on.  I have been on "Kation".  It's been a wonderful time and of course goes too fast.  I have lots to tell - Lots of pictures and many many more memories.
So I'll just try to fill you in and explain as we go.  There hasn't been a lot of sewing or stitching - mostly just family time.
First stop  Fly into Medford where my sweet Sister picked me up and we started our journey.  First we headed to Gold Beach Oregon to see my Dad.  He has had some TIA Strokes, and though it hasn't affected his physical abilities too much, it has messed with his cognitive skills a little.  Even more reason to visit him as much as I can.  I posted this picture on Facebook but this is us having dinner out with my Dad and Step Mom.

Here's my Dad Sitting in the sunshine on the front porch.

After we left Dad's we headed up to Portland to see my kids and grandkids.  We had a family dinner and all the kids came.  Here is a few pictures of our family.   Good times.

Here they all are above.  3 Kids, 5
grandkids, and  2 great grandkids.
The guy in blue in the far back behind lady in white T-shirt is our oldest grandson Jeremy. Jeremy is Stacy's son.
The boys on my lap. The one in glasses is one of our great grandsons Carter,  and the other is our grandson Caleb.

Picture to the right Dark Pink Me, light pink Stacy our oldest daughter, Black Tank top, Taya youngest daughter, Grey T-shirt our Son Scott.  Black sleeved white T-shirt Scott's wife Bri.  Lady holding Baby our oldest granddaughter Ciara and her youngest son Benji, Ciara is Stacy's Daughter.  Girl next to her with hair pulled back, Taya's oldest and our youngest granddaughter Jorden, and that handsome boy in front of her is her brother Zachary.

The next day our youngest daughter and her two kids and my Sister and I went to Saturday Market which is a big outdoor crafter's market.
Here's a picture of them in front of the famous "Voo Doo Donuts"  no we didn't get one.

And a living statue that would juggle for tips.

And here is my Sister and I after a long day of walking around. 

 There were so many pretty things - but I was a good girl and didn't buy anything.  I did however collect some business cards for possible future shopping.  :)

Since Taya lives in Salem about an hour south of Portland, she and the kids stayed with us in the hotel room - big slumber party.  :)  Fun times actually.

After our couple of days in Portland, we headed south following Taya to her place in Salem, then had breakfast with her before continuing south to Klamath Falls where I spent a week with my Sis.

Here's  we are giving her kisses good bye.  :)

At my Sis's house, we relaxed - had lunch out with some friends, went to see an old grade
 school friend of mine, saw a movie - (My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2) and did lots of crossword puzzles together.  Oh ya and I went to a quilt store and a fun gift shop in the little town of Merrill which is south of Klamath Falls. My grandparents lived in Merrill and I grew up in Malin which is just a little further south, pretty much right on the border of Oregon and California.
Here's a picture of the quilt store.
Can you see the reflection of the gas station across the street.  :)

Coincidentally my childhood friend's Mother lives here in Arizona and we have become friends. Well she just sold her home here in AZ and is moving back to Merrill Or, to be closer to her children and grandchildren - so I will now have someone else to go see in Merrill Oregon when I visit.  :).

After a nice time with my Sis - her and my BIL drove me back to Medford where I waited for my plane that got delayed three times and then arrived in Las Vegas 3 1/2 hours later than I was supposed to.  :)  It was a long day.  Lets just say Monday I slept in - bought groceries (cupboards were bare) and then took a nap.

Kation was wonderful - I'm getting back into the swing of my daily life but slowly.  I'll post more about my last few days at home later - but I' still have not taken the cover off my sewing machine.  I've done a little hand stitching - very little but no machine sewing.  Yep way too long.  it's been 2 weeks without using a sewing machine.   Oh no it's getting scary - I might need to fix that soon.  :)
Have a Blessed day -

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