Sunday, April 17, 2016

Paint Box

As the project coordinator for the SNR guild, I booked this class several months ago.  Then after several emails back and forth, I was able to meet our teacher Bettye at a sewing retreat I went to in March.  What a delight.  She is kind, sweet with a little bit of joking and sass.  I really like her and was even more excited to take her class after meeting her.

So as I have written in other posts and even my last post, the class we were doing is called Paint Box and this is the quilt that we were doing.
Here is Bettye's Sample that she made. 

Just to the right of her was her examples of how to get started on this - and I won't give it away - you'll just need to have her come teach for you some day - it will be a pleasure I don't want to rob you from.  :) 
Again here are the fabrics I chose. 

Here are some of he blocks that others did and she put on the board as they got them together. 
They are not sewn together because you need to do them in rows to get it to come together right.  but they are just placed together to see how they look. 

And Finally here are my blocks - only put next to each other to see how they are going to come out. 

I didn't get a picture of my yellow one.  

Here's a picture of Bettye holding Cheryl's center.  I don't know how many more black pieces she is going to put around the outside, she may leave it the way it is.  There were 5 or 6 of them that were sharing fabric and are doing only black, not the black and white, so theirs will be pretty much the same as this.  Can't seem to get a picture of Cheryl or Betty's face.  ha ha. 

I didn't want to stop - I wanted to keep going but at a little after 3 and 6 hours it was time to start cleaning up.  We cleaned up and packed up and I got out of there about 4 pm.  I came home and made some pork chops, baked potato and salad.  Then my honey and I went and sat out side in the breeze with a cool beverage.  What a nice day.  

Today, we got up had our coffee and did our 3 1/2 mile walk and then I made tostada's with home made chili/salsa and home made beans.  Wow - Yum Yum.  

And of course I was a really good girl and only ate one.   Ya right that's why the picture is cropped so tight.  I'd already eaten one before I got around to taking the picture.  LOL.  
Well I think I'll go into my craft room and figure out what I want to play with.  I'm thinking I want to work a little more on my frog, and see if I can finish it up.  I only have the eyes, and the rest of the branch and some shading to do. And since it's already after 1 pm so I don't want to drag out a big project.  Well I do - but know it would be frustrating to just get going strong on it and have to quit for the day.  :)  
Two posts in one week are an achievement for me let alone 2 in one day.  :)  
Have a Blessed day!

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