Monday, July 25, 2016

Catching up

We got home on Saturday afternoon and really did nothing except unpack and some laundry.  Sunday and today however my husband went golfing and gave me some time to catch up on some prepping of the BOM and BOW's that I have been working on and couldn't work on while gone.

Here are blocks 10 and 11 of the Bee-Utiful BOW from Moda

I haven't had a chance to stitch blocks 8 or 9 yet

but hey they are ready when I get there.  :)   And as of tomorrow and the next day blocks 12 and 13 will come out.   (Cue in hysterical laughter)  I told a friend of mine I knew at some point I'd get behind... well I'm behind.   Okay on to the next...

Farmhouse Threads BOM -  I prepped block 3 before I left on vacation, however I did not get any of it stitched.

So Yesterday and today I prepped blocks 4, 5 and 6.  

This is block 4.  Actually block 4a and 4b.   ha ha.  I traced all the pieces out and put them on the background piece and it just didn't look right.  hmmm  it didn't fill the space, it was like it was too small.   Well isn't that special I traced the wrong page -  so then I had to decide ... do I go with it or redo it.  Well I redid it, I cut a smaller piece of background and decided that the smaller one could be made in to a pillow for a gift.

Okay then on to block # 5

And block #6

And then one last Block prepped.  

Tomorrow we have a few errands to run and then I will be working on the BOM I am teaching at the 

local quilt shop on Saturday.
I have the first lesson/block done, however need to work on the next sectiion and finish the shop sample quilt top.   So I will work on that and of course the next block of Bee-Utiful BOW.  

Have a wonderful day

Sunday, July 24, 2016

We're Home...

We went home to our old home and kids for a visit - and now we are home to our current home.
Our youngest daughter Taya (on the left) labeled this picture  "Reunited and it feels so good."

Well Hello - It's been a while.  I intended to do a couple of posts while I was gone, even if it was just a picture or two, obviously that didn't happen.  We took our computers on the trip - but except for once, or twice - we didn't play on them.  We used our phones to check emails briefly and to post some pictures on facebook - but that was it.  And remember all that stuff I prepped for hand work in the car.  That didn't happen either.  WHaaaat.....  I stitched a tiny bit on this Turtle, but as you can see I didn't get very far on it either.
So what went on during this trip?   Observation, Conversation, Prensence - Being in the moment and lots of enjoyment.  We got to not only visit with our children and grandchildren but caught up with some of our friends too.  We didn't get to see all -but thankful for whom we did see.  And unfortunately as many pictures as I did take - I didn't get them all including not very many of our son and daughter in law.  And that's where we stayed the longest.
So first night was Reno - missed seeing a friend there.  But we got up the next morning and had a nice but cheap steak and egg breakfast.

From there it was up to Klamath Falls to see my Sis and spend the night.  :(   No Pictures there.
The next day we made it up to Portland and stopped to see an old friend of my husbands.  Levi and my husband worked together for 36 years.  (they started when they were 5... ha ha)  Anyway, we stopped and he and his wife put out all kinds of goodies for us to munch on and we visited for over 3 hours.  Nice to see them again.  Levi is on the right and another friend they both worked with is on the left - Hubby is in the center.
Next stop was our Granddaughters house - we spent the night there.  Got to see one of her childhood friends.  She is like an extended grandchild and went to Disneyland with us when we took our Granddaughter and Grandson about 7 years ago.   Yep missed that picture too, however here is a photo of her from FB.  (Krista) 

But I did get a wonderful picture of my great grandson whom is one year old, and fairly shy, sitting on my lap.  His grandpa my son in law was so jealous that he warmed up to us so fast.  LOL.They see him several times a week and it has taken them a long time to get Benji to come to him. :)  
Amazing was a orange creamsicle shake the night before can do. Shhhh don't give my secret away.  :)

The next few days were filled with family dinners, lunches, lots of talking and hugging.  

 Friday night at the Pizza Parlor Yep Jorden (right) has just now passed up her Mama. 
Family dinners away from home are usually 2 places - Pietro's Pizza and El Tapito, did them both.

I can't remember what happened but Scott our son was looking like ... Whaaat.  

Saturday at Scott and Bri's - They threw a party for us - whole family plus her partens and a couple of their friends that we know and are friends with. 

Here are some random shots.  

Sunday we went to church at our old church.  Again didn't see everyone but so nice to hug on some of our old friends.  
Afterwards we all went to lunch at El Tapito.  We've had a lot of family dinners there too so fun to see some of the waiters that were still there.  

 Stacy and her Daddy

 Dad and Stacy and Taya

The whole family except our Son Scott and grandson in law Filip.

We took several tries on  this one and either Carter was being silly or we blinked or who knows.  :)
After this we visited a couple more friends - in both cases we didn't get a photo. 

Monday we had breakfast with some friends before heading out of town.  
Faye and I worked together for 11 years.  
(We were down the road a little ways and got a text from our Daughter in law that we had missed taking a picture with all of them.  Dang....)

After our breakfast - we started south and made a quick last stop at our youngest daughters house and said good bye to her and the kids.  She's waving bye and Zack is putting  on his helmet to go for a bike ride.  One of  Taya's Roommates behind her.  

Then we continued on to the southern Oregon Coast to see my Dad and Step Mom.  
The visit with my Dad was so nice and precious.  His health could be better, he's had some strokes and it's taken a toll on him - so we want to spend as much time with him as possible.  This was after going out to dinner. 

The Oregon Coast is not your lay on the beach type of ocean - but it is beautiful none the less. 

Yes it was bright.  

After a couple days there it was time to start heading back home.  We stopped again in Klamath Falls at my Sisters house for a night and then towards Reno and home.   It was a wonderful Vacation  -  if that's what you still call it when you are retired.  It was so nice seeing family and friends.  And yes hard to say goodbye.  

We spent our last night on the road in Beatty NV.  It's a little wide spot in the road but is a fun place for my husband and I.  We always stay at the Stagecoach Inn.   

I did stop at several quilt shops along the way and collected some Row by Row patterns.  I will post some pictures of those in a different post. 
Have a Blessed Day!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A New Venture - Peaceful Holiday BOM

It's early, because this morning is when we are heading out on our trip to see our children and grandchildren. Yay.  We will also be seeing friends and maybe a couple of quilt stores along the way.

There's been a lot going on the last couple of days.  On Saturday when I posted last - I mentioned a couple of errands, well one of them resulted in a new venture for me.  I will be teaching a new Block of the Month.  This also means that I need to make the quilt and have it as a sample ASAP.   The quilt is a Christmas quilt and in order to get it done on time it needs to start right away AND a week after I get back from vacation I will have my first Block/Class.
It is Peaceful Holiday by Jason Yenter. It has two version Blue or White - we are doing the white.

This picture does not do it justice - the fabric it just beautiful and has a lot of  gold metalic in it.  And because of that I did not want to mess up the real fabric so I made a practice block for the first part. There will be 5 classes/months the last one ending in November.  That will give participants the month of December to finish their quilt for Christmas.
Here is the first block it is 18x18.

It is mostly foundation paper pieced.

See all my little paper guides and labels.  :)  

Here was my practice block.  I tried to match some fabric I had to resemble the colors but it's just not the same with out the gold in it.   But I'm glad I did the practice one,  By the time I do practice blocks the real quilt and blocks to demonstrate I may have 3 quilts when I'm done.  LOL.

With that and cleaning and packing that has summed up the last couple of days.  
I did however manage to download, print and prep - the next two blocks of the Bee-Utiful BOW. 

Here are my two prepped Blocks.  

I will be taking these blocks, along with (way too many) prepped blocks from the Christmas Quilt that is this months UFO goal. 

And the 3rd Block in the Farmhouse Threads Mystery Harvest BOW. 
It is all fused I just need to do the stitching. 

Did I mention that we're only going to be gone 11 days, and did I also mention that I only do this while we're in the car.  I'm not good at stitching while we're at peoples house.  I would be totally cool with someone coming to visit and whipping out a bag of handwork while we talked, but not sure how others feel - so I don't.  I just enjoy the visit.   So with that being said I have brought way too much to work on - but better to have too much than having time to work on it and nothing to do.  That would be devastating.  :) 

And with that I need to wrap it up and get going so we can get on the road. I want to post while we are gone - but not sure when or how often that will happen.  Maybe just a quick couple of photos along the way.  Got to show off the grandkids after all. 

Have a very Blessed Day!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...