Saturday, July 9, 2016

Flip Flops, Thimbles and Polka Dots

I've been a little on a roll lately getting things done and that feels so good.  I wish I could keep this momentum up and then all my UFO's would be finished in a couple of years.  I know hopeful thinking.   But the other day I posted about having 3 finishes and I have 3 more.  Small as they are they are items I wanted to accomplish so I'm feeling good.
First off was my July Scavenger Hunt Block -  Flip Flops, Thimbles and Polka Dots:

Next I finished up my "S" Block for the Buttermilk Basin Mystery BOM.

And yesterday at the Cottage I finished the binding on my the charity quilt that I quilted last month.  

All done including a label.  

Yesterday we got the new block for the Farmhouse Threads BOW - so if I have any sewing time today I will work on getting that prepped.  I have a few errands to run and some cleaning and packing to do for the trip.  I do have 3 days for the cleaning and packing so I might be able to sneak in a little sewing time.   Have a blessed day - Lynn

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...