September went by in a slow blurr - I don't know where it went. So now is the big question - How did I do?
If you remember - August was 1/2 done and part of my goals hinged on finishing August. Okay I'll quit stalling.
September 2016 Goals
1. Buttermilk Basin "Let it Snow" BOM - Finish "N", "O", and Prep "W".
Goal Met. :)
2. Bee-utiful QAL Blocks - There are 7 1/2 blocks left prepped and ready to go (pictured above, ) - Complete the bike that I started and 4 more, minimum.
Goal Met. :)
3. Farmhouse Threads Mystery Harvest BOW - There is one more block coming out tomorrow. Goal is to prep it and Complete minimum 2 blocks. I'll do these 2 first. Goal Not Complete! :(
4. Dolls in a bag - Yep it's Craft Fair time again - I have 3 Baby Dolls that need bags, blankets, quilts and clothes. And a larger doll, that has clothes but needs the rest. Goal: Get them done and ready for the fair.
Goal Met. :) With a twist. I got the 3+ dolls done - then I sold 2. (So I went and got 3 more - guess what I'll be doing in October)
5. APQ UFO Buster #12 Which is Wool / Ark Crazy. This year on my UFO's I listed only 6 UFO's but I listed them each 2 times in hope the extra time on each would help me get them done. Well the Random number 12 ended up being the same UFO as last month's. My beginning status is pictured above as my ending progress from August. Again - the Goal is to make progress.
Goal Met :/ I fused a stocking on - but that's not real good progress.
6. Scavenger Blocks - Finish the top stitching on them. Goal Met :)
7. SNR Guild Projects - I am teaching the Diva Wallet for the guild workshop at the end of the month. I need to get a supply list ready by the 13th to be handed out at the meeting. I also need to revamp the instructions we tried to use at the retreat - that did not go well. :( So I'll be working on that.
Goal Met :) - The class went very well with all my instructions and props.
As far as the goals went - not including bonus items I got
5 smiles :)
1 half smile :/
and 1 frown :(
Not horrible I guess.
If I find that I just have a bunch of free time I have several more things I would like to accomplish for the month.
B1. Quilt the charity quilt I already have done and pinned. No progress
B2. Start the next charity quilt that needs to be done for the new Military housing facility that is opening up in the spring. Goal Met. Started
B3. Work on a Table Topper from my Kimberbell Book - And do the project pictured below. No Progress
B4. Do More Harvest Blocks - No Progress
B5. Do the rest of the Bee Blocks-No Progress
So What did I work on since the shiny thing - I mean squirrel went by and distracted me. ha ha ha I can't be too hard on myself I am the project coordinator for the SNR guild so I do need to get my samples made ahead of time. And since I have a craft fair coming up - I kept trying to come up with more things to sell at it.
October SNR Guild Workshop. 
Next years guild BOM for SNR will be one every two months. This is one of the 5 project samples I need to get made by December. I posted about this here.
CRQ Guild Workshop in September we made this 3 dimensional block. It still needs work. I posted about it here.
* Made some Trick or Treat Bags for the craft fair - and some pot holders as my contribution to the guilds table.
I will post more about them later with pictures.
* I made a new dog bed for my doggies - I will post a picture of that later as well.
And I also helped 50/50 Hubby Painted the garage -
So where does all of this leave me at for October?
October 2016 Goals
I am not sure how I want to proceed with October. I have so many things I want to do, things I need to do, and things I should do. This month I am still helping a few ladies work on the Peaceful Holiday BOM that I made the shop sample in August. I am doing that every Wednesday. My Sister is coming for a week for a visit and we will be sewing some stuff too, and at the end of the month I have a Retreat - Yay!
Okay I guess I just need to list out this monster I have going on in my head.
1. Craft Fair Items - Due by 14th. Additional Dolls, Trick or Treat Bags and possibly pot holders. All pictured above.
2. Bee-utiful BOW - Complete the remaining 3 blocks.
3. SNR Guild BOM Work on making more of the samples. I explained how we are doing a double sample here. Goal make 2 of the 4 remaining blocks.
4. CRQ Guild - Workshop - Flower Block (pictured above) Finish the flowers.
5. Retreat - I change my mind on this alot and sometimes it doesn't go as planned. Possiblilities: The Kimberbell Table Topper I've been wanting to make for the last 2 months. LOL 
Next I would like to work on some of my Row by Row kits that I picked up over the summer. There are several but I have a few that are my favorites. These are ones that use fusible so The ones I work on - I'd like to at least get them fused.
If I get all that done - I'll work on another Table Topper I have from Connecting Threads.
6. Sister's Visit Projects - She wants a box pouch for herself. She said we could make it when she gets here but I might try to make it before she arrives. Here is the fabric I think I'll be using.
Next - she wants to make a box pouch for a present. So we'll work on that.
And she wants to make a mixer cover like the one I made her for a present for another friend. I'll be posting pictures of our progress on that. Goal will be to complete these so she can take home. She will be bringing fabric for them.
7. APQ - UFO # 8 This is "Folk Art Gathering".
With all this other I have no idea if I'll have time to work on a UFO - But lets give it a try. Goal is to make progress. The circled area above are the blocks I got sewn the last time I worked on it. Here is a post of where I left off.
8. CRQ Guild Workshop - Lone Star Block - Goal Start.
9. Two of the 3 additional dolls are already spoken for. One wants pink and one wants Red, White and Blue. Goal: Get the extra doll done for the Craft Fair and start on the other 2.
If I am really energetic and can get all that done - here are my bonus things.
Bonus -
B1 - Work more on the military charity top and try to finish.
B2 - Work more on the dish towels and pot holders.
Okay I think I have my month cut out for myself. Whew. Wish me luck and say a prayer.
As for now I need to get ready as I am going to a Quilt Show.
Blessings, Lynn