Monday, May 15, 2017

Little Bits

I have to say this last week was a whole lot more productive than the week before. LOL
For one thing I was able to get my Labyrinth quilt to the long armer. 
But let me back up a little -  Last Monday I was able to go get my "new to me"  Koala cabinet which involved a whole lot more of cleaning and re-organizing.  Can you say bins galore. Here's it's opening.....

  Here was the old view with old machine and table.  
Old view of the cutting table 
New view - not a lot of difference. 

Not that you can see the corner to the right of this picture - because it was messy I usually cut it out of pictures.  But it is much better now - see. 
Can you tell our puppies like to be with Mom in the sewing room.  They have several beds that I trade out.   

Once that was organized and set up I was ready to sew again - Yay!  
I got the back put together for my labyrinth quilt so I could take it to the quilter.  (pictured above) 
 I am having her do an all over design but instead of curvy meandering or swirls, it's a sort of geometric meander.  I tried to see if I could find a picture of it on the internet but I couldn't find.  Anyway we thought it would look good on it and if's something different. 
I also got this months Dresden plates  done.  These are from Quilt Doodle Doodles Blog

 And I have started making some pajama's for preemie babies in Nigeria.  A missionary came to my friends church and said they needed some - so I offered to help.  This is one of the tops. I have two sets done and am shooting for 5 or more.  I am going to be working a little more on these today.  I still need to figure out a closure for the tops.

And with that I'm going to go sew some more of the pajama's and see what else I can get done. I'm feeling wonderful about getting stuff done again, hope you have a wonderful day.  
Blessings - Lynn 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a difference you will find with your new stitching cabinet! Ooh... something to take the weight of the quilt while quilting, ooh I am so excited for you.

    And excited for me, as I look at the labyrinth quilt. drool drool.


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...