Monday, May 8, 2017

Monkey Wrenched

I think I threw a wrench in it.  

I was so excited to get the top of my Labyrinth Walk quilt done on May 1st that I was hoping the rest of the month would be as productive.  Well I have had issues getting sewing time and stuff done ever since.  
Tuesday we went to the gym and then spent the rest of the day running errands and did some shopping.  It was a very good and productive day, however there was no sewing.  Wednesday I tried to get some sewing done and that's when I ran into some problems.  I need to make something out of this piece of fabric as a contribution to the craft fair for one of the guilds.

My idea was that I could make a table topper out of it or I could cut it in quarters and make place mats out of it.  So in my infinite wisdom I thought I'd quilt it whole and then I could cut and trim it and bind it.  Well I didn't have a piece of batting that big with out breaking into my quilt size ones.  So I had to pieced some together - that should have been a sign. 
Then I made some little practice sandwiches.  When I was working with them I was having trouble with some peek a boo's and eyelashes on the back.  So I looked in the manual and adjusted the tension and when I felt it was all better, I started in on the main event.  That all went well until I had to rewind the bobbin.  I think it was a combination of the bobbin not being wound tight and I think when I was going around the corners of my meandering I sped up my hands.  Regardless this was the result.  

Quilting is not where you want to have thick full eyelashes.  :)   At that point I was irritated and disgusted and out of that spool of thread.  So I stopped.  Then with my schedule and already planned events for the rest of the week, I have not had a chance to get back into my sewing room to do any more sewing until yesterday.  I should have jumped in and ripped out the bobbles but....  I needed to make a sample the guilds next workshop which is a double potholder. That and the fact that I didn't want to play the rip out game.  Cutting out went well and I used my walking foot to do some straight line quilting (not chancing bobbles)  and then when I was trying to sew all the layers together it kept sliding on me.  Well I'm done with all this monkey wrenched sewing - it needs to Stop now.     

I persevered and was able to finish the machine sewing of the double pot holder.  Whew - I needed something to go right with my sewing.  I worked a little on getting the hand sewing of the binding done last night and only have a little bit to go to finish. 

Today I am going to work a little on my next Dresden plate applique that I'm doing from Quilt Doodle Doodles Blog.  Then I'm going to tear my sewing room apart to make room for my new to me koala cabinet.  I will share pictures when I get it all set up and organized - probably in a couple days.  Till then - no more monkey wrenches, only good sewing opportunities.  
Have a Blessed Day!   Lynn 

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