Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Color Me Silly Twins

Well that was a fast week. and I'm still a little tired.  But it's a good tired.  I have lots to tell and not sure if I want to cram it all in one post or break it up but I'll figure it out.  First up I want to talk about my "Color Me Silly" Quilt top.  After all, it is and was my only goal this whole month - the rest of the month is supposed to be "Free" to work on what ever strikes my fancy.  Go ahead say it "Yeah well how's that working for you?"  On Paper it's working fine.  On paper it just says: "If I want to" - in my brain - well lets just say I'm a work in progress. 
Okay enough of that, I want to show you how I did with Color Me Silly.  
Ta-Done! (The top anyway) 

I've really had to work with the pictures to try and get the colors.  It keeps wanting to photograph blue.  
It's really some very pretty colors of purple. You might be able to see it if you click on it to make it bigger.
So I originally had Ideas of making it a king size, because I thought it would be for our bed.  Well for some reason at the time  - (this was several years ago) I could not get the border to line up with the addition of blocks I had used for the enlargement.  Hence why it was put in a pile of UFO's to sit for several years.  
I came across it a couple of months ago and wanted to finish it.  So I took it to the retreat and here it is.  
Now, as Paul Harvey would say - "the rest of the story" -Since I had all the extra blocks cut out I told my oldest daughter (my biggest fan) that maybe I could make her a lap quilt out of the left overs.  So I started making extra blocks with the left overs.  I kept going and going and going.... I have enough to make another whole top. So my Color Me silly will have a twin.  Now the difference being that my sewing now verses my sewing 6 years ago has improved so one will be a little improved from the other.  And as I'm  thinking now - the older one will give me quilting practice for the newer one.  
Thanks for reading my rambling - *smile*.  
I am going to link this up to One Monthly Goal over at Elm Street Quilts.  

I posted this quilt as my goal for July At Elm Street Quilts here.  (#46)
I'm sure I'll be posting more pictures of the twin once I have it together.  And luck have it I also have backing for both.... What was I thinking?
Have a wonderful day - Blessings,

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