Monday, July 31, 2017

Independence Month Check Up.

Well July was set to be my Independence Month with no goals.  Then I did come up with one item that would be a goal  that I could link up to "One Monthly Goal"  So, I just listed a bunch of stuff I wanted to play with.  No commitment to what I'd get done or if I'd even really get anything done on it.  Anyway this what the month yielded.  
Here is my quilt top that was my "One Monthly Goal"  and one that I took to the retreat. 
 Color me Silly - 

No you are not seeing double - There are two tops.  Originally when I started to make this I wanted to increase it's size and make it a king size quilt for us.  Long story and many years later I decided against it and wanted to just finish the top.  However, when I was done there were a lot of extra cut pieces.  My oldest daughter loves it, so I thought I'd make her a throw.  Well.... there were so many extra pieces I made another complete top - AND.... I still have some pieces.  I even have backing fabric for both. I usually never make a 2nd of a pattern. And I don't make two quilts with the same exact fabric.  Guess this will be a first.

Another retreat project was Savannah Flair.  I had all the blocks done, I just needed to assemble and put the border on.    
It was supposed to have a couple more borders, but I just couldn't get anything to work so i put a small black border on and it will work great because I want to make this into a wall hanging.  

This next one - was my 3rd quilt I took to the Retreat and it was a supposed to be a fast fun quilt.  
"Melody" - 
I had all these strip quilts lined up.... Hmmm not so sure.  Actually I will still do them but unlike cooking from scratch where you can add a little of this and little of that - strip quilts and log cabin quilts are not forgiving of minor discrepancies. It took me way too long here at home after the retreat to fix it.  I will be doing my next one differently.   *smile* 
I finally got June's Bag Lady done... 
And here is my July one -  Not done but got a start on it. 
I did work a little on "Simple Joy" 
I thought I would get more done on this one but I didn't.  
I have to say - it was very freeing to tell myself that all my stuff on my list were want to's not goals.  And I have to say it ended up being a productive month.  I completed 4 quilt tops a couple of small gifts and some embroidery.  Not too bad.  So what's next?  I'll see you in my next post.
Blessings,  Lynn 


  1. OMG you've been busy, I liked the first quilt, then the second then ... they're all lovely. Congratulations, I'm impressed.

  2. Fun quilts. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your goal finish.


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...