1. Next Bag Lady - Buehla - Jean. I got her almost done!
2. Dresden Plate - The next two Dresden plates from Quilt Doodle Doodles. Goal Met
2. Dresden Plate - The next two Dresden plates from Quilt Doodle Doodles. Goal Met
3. UFO's
3A- Bears- Keep working on the Bear Quilt - Make Progress. Goal Met. The branches and trees were just layed out - they are now fused and the 1st border is now sewn on.
3B - APQ random UFO # 10 Which for me is "Folk Art Gathering" Goal Met
Here an image from Cheri Payne the designer of whole quilt.
Here is the section I worked on.
Here was my beginning status -

Here is the section I worked on.
Here was my beginning status -

4. Charity -
SNR guild - Need to complete a charity quilt over the summer months. I have this one made and pinned ready to quilt. Goal will be to start quilting it. - No Progress - yet.
My big machine is in the shop :(.
5 In Box Jaunt QAL - Lori Kennedy is doing a Free Motion Quilt along. She started it last month but I'm going to work on it this month. This will give me a good chance to practice my free motion skills. And hopefully use on the charity quilt. My sewing machine broke down while working on this hence the charity quilt not getting quilted but I did work on this so I will say - Goal Met
5 In Box Jaunt QAL - Lori Kennedy is doing a Free Motion Quilt along. She started it last month but I'm going to work on it this month. This will give me a good chance to practice my free motion skills. And hopefully use on the charity quilt. My sewing machine broke down while working on this hence the charity quilt not getting quilted but I did work on this so I will say - Goal Met
Here is a picture of mine.
I didn't have a whole lot on my list for the month - good thing - :) but life comes along and sometimes it doesn't line up with your goals and to do lists. My sweet honey has been recouping his back. So our days of him golfing and me sewing has been replaced with us doing little drives and spending the days together.
So July will be declared Freebie month. Free to work on whatever for however long and we'll see what happens.
Since the guilds are closed for the summer, and it the celebration of our countries Independence day month - I thought this would be a great month for me to declare independence month on my sewing and quilting goals. I also have 2 retreats (July 10-12 and Aug 4-6) and an overnight trip coming up.
Good Excuses huh?
Anyway I still have my list of things I want to work on - but I'm not going to stress about dead lines or have to's. Whew - Ahhhh. *Smile*
Here are the things I have lined up that I would like to work on for the month of July and part of August.
I've had this pattern and the fabric I wanted to use on it setting on the shelf for a while. Well I picked out what fabric I want where and now I just need to start cutting and sewing.
This next one is a retreat project, pattern on left fabric on right.

This one is a UFO I had packed away - well I came across it and now I want to finish. I also have the animals done so just top stitching and borders
Next is a free motion QAL to practice my quilting on. I want to keep going on it.
These are gifts I want to finish them.
Below is another retreat project - fabric on left pattern on the right.

This also will be a retreat project. It is all cut out and ready to go. I brought it to the last retreat however I didn't get to start it.
And of course my next Bag lady:Mildred - Rosemary
And if I get very energetic - I may play with this months UFO in the APQ Challenge which is #1 and for me that is Cheri Saffiote Payne's "Winter Quilt".

I have several blocks prepped and ready to go so I may just get some stitching done on this - But no pressure - It's Freebie Month.

I have other stuff in my brain I'd like to work on - but this is my free month I don't want to overwhelm myself. *Wink*
Too many wants - not enough time.
I'll keep you posted.
That's an ambitious list of goals, Lynn. Your bag lady is looking great!