Monday, June 26, 2017

Planning Prepping and Sewing

Awe - I had a little bit of sewing time yesterday which was so nice. I put my book on tape on and away I go.  First off I picked out some fabric I wanted to use for yet another new quilt.  I saw this in my Simply Vintage magazine that comes out of France.  
I've been wanting to do this for a long time - and have had these fat quarters saved up for it. 
 Now I just need to get them cut out and start picking out my wool for the applique.  Yay.  So I set that aside for a little bit and went on to my next item I wanted to do.  I have a scrap bag pincushion that I use all the time.  And when I go to classes, workshops and retreats I try to remember it.  Operative word there is TRY.   So here's what I did.  I made one for my travel sewing machine.  And I made a slightly smaller one that can be used for all of my hand sewing.  

Now they can just stay with each section of stuff and I will always have one with me.  
It was a very nice relaxing day. 
Today we are going to the gym so hubby can do a lite work out for his back and then may try to go swimming at the lake. It needs to be gentle to not re-injure his back. 
Not sure if I'll have time or energy to do any sewing when I get back from all of that - And I also need to do some paperwork for one of the guilds - so  I guess we'll see if I sew or not.  If I do get some time, I still want / need to work on the quilting project and charity quilt.  And I want to start cutting out the above mentioned quilt.  
I'll keep you posted.  
Have a Blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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