Friday, June 2, 2017

May wrap up and June Goals

1. Bag Lady #5  Hildigard/Katie -  Here she is.  
 2.  UFO'S:  
  2A  APQ UFO # 2  - Ruby Red Dot.  No Progress. 
  2B  Bears -  Goal - make progress - get some of the grasss and trees placed on background.  Goal MetI am making progress:  

This is pretty much where I started at.  The bears are together - and I have them on a green background - but that's all that is together- UNTIL NOW.  
3.  Dresden Plates - Lilacs and Angel Food Cake.  Goal:  Fuse and top stitch these blocks. Here are the pictures from the pattern. I am doing mine in brights. 
This is what I did! 

.4.  Charity  - Goal Met!
    4A  SNR Guild - More Dog Beds    No Pictures however we completed 17 more.  
    4B  CRQ Guild  - Welcome bags for new Teachers  
 5.  Labyrinth Quilt - Finish the top.  Goal Met - in a big way!  
  Bonus points if I can get it pinned and start quilting. I cheated a little - I took it to a long armer.   And I made matching pillow cases.  
Here are some close ups of the quilting. 

6.  SNR Guild Craft Fair - Goal Met -Each member was given a bundle of fabric to make something to be sold at the craft fair next fall.  This is the fabric I was given.  I think I'll make a table topper or 4 place mats.  Anyway I need to make something with it and turn it in.  Well as I have posted  in previous posts - That didn't go as planned.  Plan B is Frosty. 
And as always - I have extras that come up that I didn't know I'd be working on during the month.  
1.  SNR Guild Workshop sample.  My guest teacher whom was a snowbird had to go home early to Canada so I ended up needing to make a sample and get things ready for the workshop myself.   Here is my double pot holder.  
2.  Preemie Pajama's for Pakistan  One of my friends and guild members had a missionary come to their church requesting pajama's for preemie babies.  I  guess she wanted to have around 20 pairs.  So here is what I helped with. 
3.   Binding for friends Quilt.  My friend asked if I would make the binding and attach to her Quilt. 
Here is her quilt.  
4.  Project quilting.  Off Season Challenge.  "May I"
Well this was perfect because here is my inspiration - My great grandson.
And here is what I created.
Here's a close up  
All in all it was a good month.  So Next up 


1. Next Bag Lady - Buehla - Jean.

2.  Dresden Plate - The next two Dresden plates from Quilt Doodle Doodles. 
One is a Pony 
One is a butterfly
Mine of course are in bright fabrics.

3.  UFO's 
3A-  Bears- Keep working on the Bear Quilt (pictured above) - Make Progress. 
3B -  APQ random UFO # 10 Which for me is "Folk Art Gathering"  
Here an image from Cheri Payne the designer of whole quilt. 
Here is an image of the section I'll be working on next 
Here is my beginning status -  

There is a more detailed listing of where I left off in this blog post.  
4.  Charity - 
SNR guild - Need to complete a charity quilt over the summer months.  I have this one made and pinned ready to quilt.  Goal will be to start quilting it.  
5  In Box Jaunt QAL - Lori Kennedy is doing a Free Motion Quilt along.  She started it last month but I'm going to work on it this month. This will give me a good chance to practice my free motion skills.  And hopefully use on the charity quilt.  
Spring QAL, Lori Kennedy
The picture above is from her blog.  (I'm hoping it's okay to post if I'm giving her credit since it is copyrighted) 

I'm sure I will be doing other things this month - So having these as a starting point I'm sure is enough.  The only extra that I know of at this point is getting ready for a retreat that is at the first part of July.  
That's it for now - I'll keep you posted.  
Have a Blessed Day!

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