Sunday, June 25, 2017

Just roll with it....

I've been doing some little things but not a lot of Ta-Da's going on.  My sweet hubby has a hurt back right now so he has been home and not golfing.    He is not one that likes to stay indoors or sit around so it's been torture for him. So  I've  changed up my routines a little. I've been doing a lot more hand stitching so I can sit in the living room, and watch TV with him.  I've been going stitching at the local quilt shop on Tuesday and sewing with my friends, and doing more hand stitching. And since I'm not really sure from day to day if I'm going to have sewing time in my room, it's hard to get a plan set (and I am ALL about planning  *Grin* )  or stay focused. 
So what is a girl to do with all of this - Just Roll With It!

I am working on a UFO that is not only not on the list for this month, it wasn't even on this years list.  But I found it looking for something else and can't pull myself away from it. Savannah Flair that I mentioned in my last post.  A free BOM from Fat Cat Patterns in 2010. 

I finished the last 3 masks. 

Now I am working on the top stitching. I am doing a raw edge straight stitch around it, that's how I started it so many years ago - so I'm continuing with that.  I had 2/3 of the stitching done on the animals. So I worked on that for a little bit on Thursday. Next time I'm in my room I will finish up the animals and hopefully start doing the top stitching on the masks.  However I really should get started on quilting my charity quilt so I should wait on that a little.  
I have two retreats coming up.  One is in a couple of weeks, and one is in two weeks and the other is three and half weeks after that.  Yay!
So I have been putting stuff together to work on at them.  I have a kit I prepped for one of my retreats past that I didn't get to called Frog Work. It's all cut out and I even have a couple of the stitchery's traced.
Then I have 2 different strip quilts that I'm going to work on.  One is called Stack and Flip.  its a pattern that was featured by Missouri star.  

Using this jelly roll. 
Then I put together another strip quilt that will use this pattern and these fabrics.  

This is a jelly roll that I got at the white elephant exchange from my last retreat. 

Then the final thing that I have ready for the two retreats is a scrappy quilt that I'm making using these 4 patches I put together.
After the first retreat, I will know better if I need to get more stuff ready or not.  If I am productive I will get lots done and need to prep more stuff.  But if not I will be all ready to go.  I have 2 more quilts I would like to start (Like I don't have enough going on) so I may set them up and have them ready to go.  
As for my hand stitching - I did the hand stitching of the binding on a friends quilt for her.  And I got these two little things done on Friday - they came from a pin cushion kit I got from Simply Put Plus, however I am going to make them into little wall hangings.  One is going to be a gift to my friends Sister.  
 We were out and about all day yesterday.  My honey needed to get out of the house.  But I think today between the heat and the fact we did get out yesterday I will have some time in my sewing room.  So I'm going to sign off for now and get in there while I can.  
I'll let you know what I get done.

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