Saturday, June 17, 2017

Side Tracked

I have noticed since I've become a quilter that I can get derailed or side tracked very easily.  And even more so now that I am retired.  But isn't being retired supposed to allow you to do what you want to do when you want to.  :)  
This month has been a little off track anyways so why not get off track with my projects.  I'm doing pretty good with my goal list - but a different UFO has been calling upon me.  It's not on my UFO lists anywhere but it was reaching out to me.  So that's what I did for a couple days when I could steal away to my sewing room.  I worked on fusing some masks for my Savannah Flair quilt. 

 I got this pattern as a free BOM from Fat Cat Patterns in 2010.  (Ya it's been a while)
Here is photo of the quilt pattern. 

I really like this quilt and am not sure how it got tucked away for so long.  But am very happy to be playing with it again. I'm hoping I will have time to fuse the last 3 masks this month.  I have all the animals fused and sewn down I'll show them on my next post of this quilt.
As for today I am getting together with a few of my sewing friends and will be working on my other UFO - Folk Art Gathering.  I need close to 100 flying geese.  That should keep me busy today.  
Have a great day!

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