Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wrapping up the gifts

Wrapping as in finishing and wrapping as in the presents are wrapped and boxed and ready to ship.  
I'm a little ahead of myself this year and it feels so good.  Usually we just do gift cards for the kids and grand kids but this year I made them the little gifts to go with their gift cards.  And not wanting to wait until the last minute - I am done.  
Here are a couple more little gifts I made to put with their stockings, and pillow cases.  Since I made a wallet for my daughter and a pillow for her daughter 
I wanted to include something for my grand son.  He LOVES cars so I made this notebook cover. 

And then I didn't want to wrap the quilt for Adrianna my new Great Granddaughter so I made a pillow case that matched it and did a fancy stitch to hold down the flange. 

One last thing - I added some words to this little quilt I made a few months ago.  It was designed from a picture that our grand daughter sent of our great grandson getting into the cookie jar when he wasn't supposed to. Mother May I was the title of the quilt I just hadn't put it on the quilt. 
Well now it's there.
That finishes up my November. 
Blessings,  Lynn 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving 2017

Happy Thanksgiving 2017

May you all have a very blessed time with friends and family.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Welcome and Rodeo

Welcome to my Sis and Bro in law they are back in town as snowbirds for the next 3 month.  They got in on Wednesday night. Now for Friday night we are going to the rodeo.  I wasn't able to get real good pictures but here's what I did get.  We had a fun night of watching and eating caramel corn. It started off with some fireworks and introductions.

We had tickets to go the next day just hubby and I so we went to Sis's place for dinner since it was my BIL Birthday and then headed over for the next rodeo.  Well OOPS!  The rodeo was at 2pm not 7pm like the night before.  Well we got there and the parking lot was empty.  Shoot.  
Anyway we had a lovely dinner and so all was not lost.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Bag it

The timing on this couldn't have been better.  I made a bag for a friend that loves little bags. 
I made this the other day but the squirrel idea started a while back when she wanted a squirrel for a wall hanging she was doing.  I kept offering her patterns, but she would joke and say she wanted me to make it.  So for the last few months we joke back and forth, and I would say someday I would make her a squirrel.
Here's the inside lining. 
And since Elm Streets Quilts is having a "Bag it" link up.  It worked out really nice.  It was pretty easy to put together.  I did the applique first, then used fusible batting and quilted the outside front and back.  Then I layered with the lining and attached to the zipper and sewed around all pieces leaving a little opening in the lining.  I pulled it right sides out and hand sewed up the little opening in the lining and voila... A Squirrel Bag.  
Thanks for the link up and have a blessed day!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

More little gifts

More little gifts for the kids and Grand kids.  These will be part of their Christmas Gifts.  
I made them each a little Christmas stocking and I will put their cards and gift card inside along with a candy cane.  A little more exciting than just a card.  I know once they get a little older - money and or gift cards are what they want - but I think they still like unwrapping something too. 
Here are the front and backs of the ones I made for our 3 kids and spouces plus one for our adult grandson who is 19. 

Here is the front and back of the set I made for our youngest daughters two.  Jorden and Zach. They are the ones that came to visit.  

And here is for our other grandson Caleb, one of his favorite colors is Blue - so made the cuff blue. 

The next ones are for our great grandson Ben  and his Mom and Dad. They live in Texas.    
Here is the one for our other great grandson Carter. 

Carter and Caleb are both 7.  Young enough to have cute but not too cute.  :)   
Along with the Christmas Stockings the younger Grands and Great Grands are getting a pillow case. This one is for Zach. He played football this year.  
 This is for his Sister Jorden - 
Along with a pillow case I am making her a new pillow. I made her one with "The Grinch who Stole Christmas" before we moved here. Hence the other pillow case, but when they were here for a visit she let me know she also liked "Nightmare Before Christmas"  - So here is Jack and Sally.  
And here's what's on the back. 
Next is the pillowcase for Caleb, he's our Son's and Daughter in law's son.  He played football this year also and his other favorite color is orange so here it is. 
These two are for Carter and Ben our two great grandsons.  They both love dogs and soccer - but I thought the dogs were cute. 
Well that's about it for now.  Of course I always want to do more - but this will probably be it for this years Christmas.  I need to get the gift cards then get it all wrapped and ready to mail.  
Blessings to all - 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Welcome Adrianna

Welcome Adrianna Harper!
Here's to my newest great grand child.  Born November 13, 2017.
Most of my pictures that come from my Granddaughter of her children come from snap chat - so you get the captions too.  Here is one of Adrianna's older brothers - Ben, he's 2 1/2.

Here is her oldest brother, Carter.  
He's been there for another baby (Ben) so the new one is not as big of a deal for him - hence the now new pictures of him and new Sister.  LOL

Look at these long fingers - future piano player possibly? 
 And now that that she is born and I know for sure they didn't change her name.  Here is her quilt - With Label.  
Have a Blessed day! 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Little Gifts

With the kids coming to visit, I was able to show them some stuff I had been doing.  And it was so cute when my daughter found a little wall hanging and asked if she could have.  
I'm having trouble finding a close up of it finished but here is what I have. 
The one she got was actually the one on the right but don't have a close up picture of it finished.
It also opened the door for them to make requests.  I love it!  This daughter, and her two children haven't gotten quilts from me yet - they're not sure what they want, so I've waited.  
So when my daughter wanted a wallet - like mine - but slightly different - of course I'm going to go to work figuring it out.  
I have a small wallet that folds and she wants it to bee like that but able to put paper money in flat. 
She said my granddaughter Jorden could pick out the colors, so her and I had fun going through my fabric to match combos of two.  You really get to see how different peoples tastes can be - and that's fine. 
Then during the process - my husband thought he would like one too.  

And it even has a little coin pouch on outside.
Although I like most of what my grand daughter chose, this would be a color choice of mine. 

Here is the one for that I made for my hubby - 

He loves it - He only takes what he needs for that day in it and says it's not as bulky and thick.  
Glad to have talents that can make my family happy. 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...