Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Little Gifts

With the kids coming to visit, I was able to show them some stuff I had been doing.  And it was so cute when my daughter found a little wall hanging and asked if she could have.  
I'm having trouble finding a close up of it finished but here is what I have. 
The one she got was actually the one on the right but don't have a close up picture of it finished.
It also opened the door for them to make requests.  I love it!  This daughter, and her two children haven't gotten quilts from me yet - they're not sure what they want, so I've waited.  
So when my daughter wanted a wallet - like mine - but slightly different - of course I'm going to go to work figuring it out.  
I have a small wallet that folds and she wants it to bee like that but able to put paper money in flat. 
She said my granddaughter Jorden could pick out the colors, so her and I had fun going through my fabric to match combos of two.  You really get to see how different peoples tastes can be - and that's fine. 
Then during the process - my husband thought he would like one too.  

And it even has a little coin pouch on outside.
Although I like most of what my grand daughter chose, this would be a color choice of mine. 

Here is the one for that I made for my hubby - 

He loves it - He only takes what he needs for that day in it and says it's not as bulky and thick.  
Glad to have talents that can make my family happy. 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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