Sunday, May 27, 2018

Williams Spring 2018

Our little retreats at Williams at our friend Patty's cabin is the best.  This trip unlike last summer was not planned 3 months in advance - it was 2 days.  But it's such a wonderful time Cheryl and I quickly packed our projects and clothes and hit the road.  Here is our wonderful cabin in the woods.  
It's not much of a cabin though - as you can see.

When we first got there and started setting up our machines - she shows us our menu that she has planned for us. 
There were some adjustments to this but - most of it stayed the same.  This year we didn't go anywhere we just sewed and ate.  
Patty's Mom and Dad came on Thursday and had lunch with us and visited.  Cheryl had met them before this was my first time, what nice people. 
This year since is was spur of the moment, she still had all the pets with her instead of sending them home with her husband.  I missed getting a picture of the pretty little cat Sage, but here are the rest. 
Here is the dog - Cayenne.  Yes as in Cayenne Pepper - they name their pets after spices.  :)
She is an American Dingo.  Pretty Puppy. 
Here is Rosemary the newest little kitten.  She is only a few weeks old.  
Here is Dill Weed.  He is the oldest and the only boy in the bunch and ended up getting sick a couple of times - (that's another story)

And here is the next youngest to Rosemary - "Basil".  Basil was a baby kitten when we went there last September.  Look how much she has grown. 
As you can see - feeding time and stealing each others food was a challenge for Patty.  This was Rosemary's food and Basil is standing on tippy toe to get it. 
Here are some of the deer we saw off the back deck outside the kitchen/dinning area.

Here are the projects I took and worked on.  

What a wonderful time. 
We came home and back to reality on Friday - I spent yesterday cleaning and today we get to go pick up our oldest Daughter and Son in Law, for a weeks visit.  They are flying into Las Vegas.

Stacy has always wanted this quilt "Sweet Land of Liberty" so I have it laying on her bed and told her she can take home if she has room in her bag. Guess I better go get my shower and get on the road. 
Have a Blessed day and wonderful Weekend.  Lynn

Monday, May 21, 2018

May One Monthly Goal

The goal that I wanted to accomplish this month was 5 blocks.  And I have to say I've been very focused this month.  I stuck to these 5 blocks and then some other things I personally wanted to work on. 
I was pleasantly surprised last night when I laid this out and found out that because of my adjustments I really only need maybe one or two blocks at the bottom and the top will be ready for borders.  

Here are the 5 blocks that were my "One Monthly Goal" Goal. 

I will be linking this up to OMG over at Elm Street Quilts, when it's time to link up finishes.
Take me to the May OMG LInk-up
Now I am packing up and getting ready to go to Williams for a few days to sew and hang out with a couple of my friends.  Then when I come home I'll have a day to organize and clean and then our oldest daughter will be coming for a visit.  Good thing I got things done early this month. 
Have a Blessed day and week - Lynn 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Sewing Crazy

The last couple of days I have been sewing with some friends. I finished the top of my wool crazy quilt that I started back in 2012 (I think).  This and the Wool Ark Crazy are my "Cottage Quilts" until they are finished. So when I'm at the cottage sewing that's what I work on.  Well I've been at the cottage the last couple of days and here's what I got done.  
I need to quilt it - then I am going to try to face it instead of traditional binding. It's a technique used with art quilts.  I need to watch the video a couple more times and then do it on something practice then I'll do on the real thing.    
Then since I was done with that I was going to start on some more Christmas ornaments I had - however ran across this needle book I started in April of 2017.  
This is where it was when I picked it back up yesterday.  It also had these little wool appliques to go on it. 

So I started putting all the crazy stitches on .
This is the front with it folded before I started stitching the applique. 
 This is what it looked like when  I stopped today. 

I'm going to put some appliques on the back too. Just didn't get that far.  
Fun day with friends.  We talked and ate and stitched. It doesn't get much better than that. 
Hope you had a blessed day too.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Scrappy Pink

This month's color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is Pink and Rose.  
So continuing with my lattice friendship blocks here is my contribution to Pink.  At least for now.  I don't have a lot of pink scraps so not sure I'll make more. 
I will add these to what I already have done. 
And I'll be linking up to RSC18.
grab button for SoScrappy
Have a blessed great Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

OMG Progress

So happy that I'm getting things done.  Our oldest daughter and Husband are coming at the end of the month so I want to get things done in the next couple of weeks or it's not going to happen.  :)  
My one monthly goal was to get 5 more blocks done for my Christmas Quilt.  See my post about it here.  
I have 3 of the 5 blocks done and am close to having the 4th done. 

I still have the Holly Berries block (almost done) and the House block.  Then I'm on to top stitching the bears.  If I have more time left - I'll figure out what other blocks I want to put in the bottom row so I can finish the this top.  
It will go where the funny angel head is above heart wreath, (I don't like it) and then to the right of cabin where the Santa and snowman are.  I may still use them.  The Pear block is already done.
As always I'll keep you posted.
Have a blessed day!  Lynn 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

One Day One Check Mark

It's a wonderful feeling when you have one of those days that you are just casually sewing no pressure no strict agenda and you accomplish a lot.  I love it.  That is how it was yesterday and for once I actually took pictures along the way.  I started out just wanting to clean and straighten up my sewing room a little.  Then I thought I would get my stuff lined up for what I wanted to do for the month.  After that, I decided to start sewing some of the blocks blocks I want to get done for the pieced border for the Bear Quilt.  They are made with 4 half square triangles.  Next to it I will be putting tan sash along with green and tan border so it will look kinda like this. 
However - for one of my goals I wanted to make a minimum of 12 of the blocks, I made 14 so check mark.  One goal done. 
Here was my work in action. :)

And then since I was on a roll I wanted to prep a block for my Christmas Quilt.  so I got this ready to do the top stitching on. 
Surprisingly I took a break in there and we ran errands, got the oil changed in the car, paid some bills and did some banking. All in all a very productive day.  
Today we're taking the doggies for their baths since they couldn't go yesterday.  The groomer was having trouble with another dog and asked if we could wait until today.  No problem for us. So after that, I'm having lunch with a couple of friends.  That's it for me.  Somewhere in there I'll see if I can get more done.  
Have a Blessed day - Lynn 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May Day and some Goals

My list of "Want to's" and or goals is always 10 times bigger than what I can reasonably get done in any given period of time.  But at least I aim high. I think that's a good thing. *smile* 
I have been loosely following APQ and the UFO Challenge.  Loosely in the fact that I'm numbering the UFO I want to work on this month to match the number they picked.  (#6)  I am almost done with the top of the Christmas Quilt I was working on last month so I don't want to put it away.  I want to keep going and hopefully get it done sometime soon.  I got the top half of the top done last month. 
So for the next part - and what I want to be my "One Monthly Goal"  Below is the picture from the pattern cover - I have circled the blocks I want to do. 
I want to do the Holly block with holly lettering in it that is on the top of green section.  Then the Wreath and Heart on the left side, the Cabin just to the right of it, the Tree Block just to the right of the cabin, (partially covered with the green line).  Then I want to do the House block on the far right with little tree.  Holly Block, Wreath, Cabin and House will be my One Monthly Goal.
As for my other wishes for the month - I want to do the top stitching on my infamous never ending Bear Quilt.  
And I want to complete 12 more of the pieced border blocks that will go around the bears.
I also want to continue with my scraps and link up to the RSC18, over at SoScrappy. The Scrappy color of the month is Pink so I want to make some of these blocks with pink.
I also will be continuing with my Wool Crazy quilt on Fridays. 
And for my slow stitching in the evenings while I watch TV - I'll continue working on the "12 days of Christmas" and the "One Ornament of the Month". 
I actually have these two blocks mostly done - but couldn't find that picture.  I'll show update on these blocks later in month. 
I'm sure that's enough planned for the month.  because I know myself and some shiny thing of some sort will get my attention and I will do or start it also.   

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...