Wednesday, May 2, 2018

One Day One Check Mark

It's a wonderful feeling when you have one of those days that you are just casually sewing no pressure no strict agenda and you accomplish a lot.  I love it.  That is how it was yesterday and for once I actually took pictures along the way.  I started out just wanting to clean and straighten up my sewing room a little.  Then I thought I would get my stuff lined up for what I wanted to do for the month.  After that, I decided to start sewing some of the blocks blocks I want to get done for the pieced border for the Bear Quilt.  They are made with 4 half square triangles.  Next to it I will be putting tan sash along with green and tan border so it will look kinda like this. 
However - for one of my goals I wanted to make a minimum of 12 of the blocks, I made 14 so check mark.  One goal done. 
Here was my work in action. :)

And then since I was on a roll I wanted to prep a block for my Christmas Quilt.  so I got this ready to do the top stitching on. 
Surprisingly I took a break in there and we ran errands, got the oil changed in the car, paid some bills and did some banking. All in all a very productive day.  
Today we're taking the doggies for their baths since they couldn't go yesterday.  The groomer was having trouble with another dog and asked if we could wait until today.  No problem for us. So after that, I'm having lunch with a couple of friends.  That's it for me.  Somewhere in there I'll see if I can get more done.  
Have a Blessed day - Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...