Saturday, May 19, 2018

Sewing Crazy

The last couple of days I have been sewing with some friends. I finished the top of my wool crazy quilt that I started back in 2012 (I think).  This and the Wool Ark Crazy are my "Cottage Quilts" until they are finished. So when I'm at the cottage sewing that's what I work on.  Well I've been at the cottage the last couple of days and here's what I got done.  
I need to quilt it - then I am going to try to face it instead of traditional binding. It's a technique used with art quilts.  I need to watch the video a couple more times and then do it on something practice then I'll do on the real thing.    
Then since I was done with that I was going to start on some more Christmas ornaments I had - however ran across this needle book I started in April of 2017.  
This is where it was when I picked it back up yesterday.  It also had these little wool appliques to go on it. 

So I started putting all the crazy stitches on .
This is the front with it folded before I started stitching the applique. 
 This is what it looked like when  I stopped today. 

I'm going to put some appliques on the back too. Just didn't get that far.  
Fun day with friends.  We talked and ate and stitched. It doesn't get much better than that. 
Hope you had a blessed day too.

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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