Sunday, May 27, 2018

Williams Spring 2018

Our little retreats at Williams at our friend Patty's cabin is the best.  This trip unlike last summer was not planned 3 months in advance - it was 2 days.  But it's such a wonderful time Cheryl and I quickly packed our projects and clothes and hit the road.  Here is our wonderful cabin in the woods.  
It's not much of a cabin though - as you can see.

When we first got there and started setting up our machines - she shows us our menu that she has planned for us. 
There were some adjustments to this but - most of it stayed the same.  This year we didn't go anywhere we just sewed and ate.  
Patty's Mom and Dad came on Thursday and had lunch with us and visited.  Cheryl had met them before this was my first time, what nice people. 
This year since is was spur of the moment, she still had all the pets with her instead of sending them home with her husband.  I missed getting a picture of the pretty little cat Sage, but here are the rest. 
Here is the dog - Cayenne.  Yes as in Cayenne Pepper - they name their pets after spices.  :)
She is an American Dingo.  Pretty Puppy. 
Here is Rosemary the newest little kitten.  She is only a few weeks old.  
Here is Dill Weed.  He is the oldest and the only boy in the bunch and ended up getting sick a couple of times - (that's another story)

And here is the next youngest to Rosemary - "Basil".  Basil was a baby kitten when we went there last September.  Look how much she has grown. 
As you can see - feeding time and stealing each others food was a challenge for Patty.  This was Rosemary's food and Basil is standing on tippy toe to get it. 
Here are some of the deer we saw off the back deck outside the kitchen/dinning area.

Here are the projects I took and worked on.  

What a wonderful time. 
We came home and back to reality on Friday - I spent yesterday cleaning and today we get to go pick up our oldest Daughter and Son in Law, for a weeks visit.  They are flying into Las Vegas.

Stacy has always wanted this quilt "Sweet Land of Liberty" so I have it laying on her bed and told her she can take home if she has room in her bag. Guess I better go get my shower and get on the road. 
Have a Blessed day and wonderful Weekend.  Lynn

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...