Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October OMG Finish

It's been a very very busy month - but I am very pleased to announce I did finish my One Monthly Goal.  The Cat wall hanging.  
It is a gift for a friend that I will be seeing on November 4th so it needed to be. 
Head over to Elm Street Quilts and look at some of the other finishes.
Now to decide what I will do for November.
Have a Blessed Day!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Guild Activities

Right after the retreat ended on Sunday we had a guild workshop on Tuesday! We were making a Turkey table runner.  
Here is the Project sample. 
Here is mine: 

The center is a disappearing Nine Patch and then the appliqued turkey on the ends. 
I got the top stitching done - now it just needs to be sandwiched and quilted.
Then on Friday we had charity day where we made the Christmas Stockings that we do every year for the hospital, and children's services.  
I was able to finish these 7.  
I left my machine there because we were getting together on Saturday also.  We normally do that on the 3rd Saturday but we had the retreat.  And bonus for me it was my Birthday! 
Happy Birthday to me - an extra sew day!
Our friend Jean said she'd teach Cheryl and I how to make Jelly Roll Jiggle.
Here's the fabrics I chose.
I only got about half way done - it's not hard but does take a lot of prep work.  I'll post progress pictures later.
And of course we have a potluck. This month's theme was soup and salad.

It was a wonderful day!
Hope your day is going well too.  Blessings, Lynn 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Quilt Camp Fall 2018

It's been a whirlwind with the kids here and all that's gone on and it's just continuing with a different kind of fun.  I am at the Fall retreat with some of my Lake Havasu friends.  This one is put on by Judy Pedersen and her sister Carolyn Walters.  This time I have my back to most of the room but that's okay love being here.  This is behind me and to the right - 
 and to the left - 
 My friend Cheryl to the front of me and the left - 
 Friends Gloria sitting and Jean Standing they are in front of me and to my right. 
 Okay first project up Table toppers - 
I got them to the point of hand stitching the binding and then stopped.  These bindings are piling up I may have to make 2019 the year of bindings.  LOL
Oh there was lunch in the afternoon, Deli Buffet.  
Next up was this little wall hanging for Halloween.
I got it all fused and started top stitching.  
We were on our own for dinner so a few of us went down stairs to eat at the Italian restaurant.  Cheryl and I shared a veggie pizza.  She is on a very restricted diet for health reasons and even though I am a huge meat lover, it's pizza what's not to like about pizza.  :) That's Annette to Cheryl's left and left of Annette with the Red hair is Katie.  
After that Cheryl and I headed home - because I used all my room credits for the kids visiting I didn't stay at the casino for this retreat. 
Saturday morning we got there early and sewed a little before going down stairs to the regular buffet for breakfast.  After that we went back up to the  sewing room and got back at it.  I continued to work on top stitching my Ghosty for a while then got to a point and switched to my Fa la la Flannel quilt.  Another friend had made a quilt with this panel and fabric and then gave me the scraps.  Well there were blocks sewn together and parts of a panel and so I paired it with a big hunk of red flannel I had and thought I'd figure out something.  

So I cut up the panel and squared that up - then started sewing these blocks and hunks in to blocks to match the sized of the panel blocks. 
Here's what I came up with. 
Next I was trying to see if it would look good having a red sash. The blocks are just laid on there.
It does - so I worked the rest of the retreat on putting borders around the blocks.  
Here is our last mornings breakfast.
Everyone packed up early this time.  We try to stay until the end but everyone was packing up right after breakfast so we packed up and were loading our cars at 11am.  We took the wagons down the back ramp (so much easier) and I waited with them while Cheryl and Gloria got the cars. 
This retreat is our short one - we start around 9 am Friday and leave Sunday early afternoon. However  this time it was even earlier. Oh well it's fun even if it is short.  We have a gift exchange on Saturday night and it's always fun as we steal each others gifts. It used to be a white elephant exchange but after a few years of doing that and the elephants keep getting thrown back it - they're no good anymore. So this time we did new gifts. This year we also had an ugly tie contest.  This was my entry:
I did not win.  However Cheryl got 2nd place with this one.  
We have an extra retreat this year and it is coming up in a couple of weeks - so I will work more on the flannel one and not sure what all else. This one Starts Sunday afternoon and goes through Wednesday early afternoon so 3 days instead of 2 and I'm staying this time so less time spent traveling. Hopefully more time sewing.  :)
Oh and yes Stacy and Jay came up the opening day of the retreat before they left and got to see what this crazy quilter does at the retreats.  They loved it.  Jay was asking a lady how she was doing the paper piecing Stacy had fun talking to my friends and loved how friendly everyone was.   Great weekend. 
Blessings - Lynn 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

USS Riverside

Well today is our last day with the kids. Our son Scott, wife Bri and grandson Caleb headed  to Vegas this afternoon.  So we all met for lunch and then rode the USS Riverside.  It's a little river cruise boat that goes up and down the Colorado River in front of the casino's telling the history of the town of Laughlin Nevada.  It's a very relaxing thing and nice to be able to spend some extra time with the kids.  

Here is a picture of the USS Riverside taken from their site here is the link.
Stacy and Jay.

Our Daughter and Son in law are not leaving until tomorrow afternoon, but I will be starting my quilting retreat first thing in the morning.  They will come and see me before they leave though. 
Scott and Bri

 With Caleb - 

Caleb and I 

Backing up a little - yesterday after we put Pepe aka Burger in the hospital we took Caleb and Pumpkin to the lake at Katherines Landing.  We walked around looked at the fish and ducks and a very loud Goose.  It was nice to get out. 

Caleb was having so much fun with his little pair of Binoculars Grandpa gave them to him to keep.

Anyway after our USS Riverside Boat trip Scott, Bri and Caleb needed to head off to Vegas so we gave them big hugs and said our goodbyes. 
Then we headed over to meet up with Stacy and Jay for a game of Bingo.  Spoiler Alert - none of us won.
It's been a very nice visit with our kids and looking forward to the next.
Blessings - Lynn 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Farewell Burger

As I mentioned in an earlier post - our boy dog Pepe aka Pepper, aka Burger has not been feeling well.  I had to take him back to the Vet on Tuesday and then again today.  Yesterday he had a seizure and this morning he had another.  The doctor (Vet) agreed he was not in good shape and as of today he's horrible. With limited options and holding out for hope (more on the Vet's part than ours) We decided to put him in the hospital with Intravenous medicine to try and see if it would help and then make some big decisions tomorrow.  Well we were heartbroken of course - So So heart broken, but prayed that he didn't suffer.  He didn't make it through the night.  So with out going into the details I will forever hold in my heart - He was an awesome dog - we loved him with all our hearts - Here are just some random picture that were taken within the last few months.  

 I think this one was actually about a year ago - we have new furniture now.  :)  

These were taken in August.

Punky our other dog is of course grieving too but has been soaking up the extra attention she is getting.  We will adjust and survive.  But a piece of our heart will forever be in remembrance of him. 
Blessings,  Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...