Thursday, October 18, 2018

USS Riverside

Well today is our last day with the kids. Our son Scott, wife Bri and grandson Caleb headed  to Vegas this afternoon.  So we all met for lunch and then rode the USS Riverside.  It's a little river cruise boat that goes up and down the Colorado River in front of the casino's telling the history of the town of Laughlin Nevada.  It's a very relaxing thing and nice to be able to spend some extra time with the kids.  

Here is a picture of the USS Riverside taken from their site here is the link.
Stacy and Jay.

Our Daughter and Son in law are not leaving until tomorrow afternoon, but I will be starting my quilting retreat first thing in the morning.  They will come and see me before they leave though. 
Scott and Bri

 With Caleb - 

Caleb and I 

Backing up a little - yesterday after we put Pepe aka Burger in the hospital we took Caleb and Pumpkin to the lake at Katherines Landing.  We walked around looked at the fish and ducks and a very loud Goose.  It was nice to get out. 

Caleb was having so much fun with his little pair of Binoculars Grandpa gave them to him to keep.

Anyway after our USS Riverside Boat trip Scott, Bri and Caleb needed to head off to Vegas so we gave them big hugs and said our goodbyes. 
Then we headed over to meet up with Stacy and Jay for a game of Bingo.  Spoiler Alert - none of us won.
It's been a very nice visit with our kids and looking forward to the next.
Blessings - Lynn 

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