Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Farewell Burger

As I mentioned in an earlier post - our boy dog Pepe aka Pepper, aka Burger has not been feeling well.  I had to take him back to the Vet on Tuesday and then again today.  Yesterday he had a seizure and this morning he had another.  The doctor (Vet) agreed he was not in good shape and as of today he's horrible. With limited options and holding out for hope (more on the Vet's part than ours) We decided to put him in the hospital with Intravenous medicine to try and see if it would help and then make some big decisions tomorrow.  Well we were heartbroken of course - So So heart broken, but prayed that he didn't suffer.  He didn't make it through the night.  So with out going into the details I will forever hold in my heart - He was an awesome dog - we loved him with all our hearts - Here are just some random picture that were taken within the last few months.  

 I think this one was actually about a year ago - we have new furniture now.  :)  

These were taken in August.

Punky our other dog is of course grieving too but has been soaking up the extra attention she is getting.  We will adjust and survive.  But a piece of our heart will forever be in remembrance of him. 
Blessings,  Lynn 

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